
Do you mean haven a colum A then you want to extract A1 and A2 from A ?


Cloumn A value   123456,2019-08-07

A1 value is 123456

A2 value is 2019-08-07

If that's the case you can use df.select like this

df.select(split('A)(0) as "A1", split('A)(1) as "A2")

Good Luck

在 2019/8/12 下午8:51, Gourav Sengupta 写道:

I think that it should be possible to write a query on the streaming data frame and then write the output of the query to S3 or any other sink layer.

Gourav Sengupta

On Sat, Aug 10, 2019 at 9:24 AM zenglong chen <czlong.kel...@gmail.com <mailto:czlong.kel...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    How to extract some message in streaming dataframe and make a new


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