I think you will get more answer if you ask without SparkR.

You question is independent on SparkR.

Spark support for Hive 3.x (3.1.2) was added here


You should be able to connect Spark to Hive metastore.

From: Alfredo Marquez <alfredo.g.marq...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2019 4:26:49 PM
To: user@spark.apache.org <user@spark.apache.org>
Subject: Re: SparkR integration with Hive 3 spark-r

Does anyone else have some insight to this question?



On Mon, Nov 18, 2019, 3:00 PM Alfredo Marquez 
<alfredo.g.marq...@gmail.com<mailto:alfredo.g.marq...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hello Nicolas,

Well the issue is that with Hive 3, Spark gets it's own metastore, separate 
from the Hive 3 metastore.  So how do you reconcile this separation of 

Can you continue to "enableHivemetastore" and be able to connect to Hive 3? 
Does this connection take advantage of Hive's LLAP?

Our team doesn't believe that it's possible to make the connection as you would 
in the past.  But if it is that simple, I would be ecstatic 😁.



On Mon, Nov 18, 2019, 12:53 PM Nicolas Paris 
<nicolas.pa...@riseup.net<mailto:nicolas.pa...@riseup.net>> wrote:
Hi Alfredo

my 2 cents:
To my knowlegde and reading the spark3 pre-release note, it will handle
hive metastore 2.3.5 - no mention of hive 3 metastore. I made several
tests on this in the past[1] and it seems to handle any hive metastore

However spark cannot read hive managed table AKA transactional tables.
So I would say you should be able to read any hive 3 regular table with
any of spark, pyspark or sparkR.

[1] https://parisni.frama.io/posts/playing-with-hive-spark-metastore-versions/

On Mon, Nov 18, 2019 at 11:23:50AM -0600, Alfredo Marquez wrote:
> Hello,
> Our company is moving to Hive 3, and they are saying that there is no SparkR
> implementation in Spark 2.3.x + that will connect to Hive 3.  Is this true?
> If it is true, will this be addressed in the Spark 3 release?
> I don't use python, so losing SparkR to get work done on Hadoop is a huge 
> loss.
> P.S. This is my first email to this community; if there is something I should
> do differently, please let me know.
> Thank you
> Alfredo


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