Hi Xiao,

Thanks, I didn't know that. This
implies that their fork is not used in emr 5.27. I tried that and it has
the same issue. But then again in their article they were comparing emr
5.27 vs 5.16 so I can't be sure... Maybe I'll try getting the latest
version of Spark locally and make the comparison that way.


On Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 7:58 PM Xiao Li <gatorsm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> EMR is having their own fork of Spark, called EMR runtime. They are not
> Apache Spark. You might need to talk with them instead of posting questions
> in the Apache Spark community.
> Cheers,
> Xiao
> Kalin Stoyanov <kgs.v...@gmail.com> 于2020年1月15日周三 上午9:53写道:
>> Hi all,
>> First of all let me say that I am pretty new to Spark so this could be
>> entirely my fault somehow...
>> I noticed this when I was running a job on an amazon emr cluster with
>> Spark 2.4.4, and it got done slower than when I had ran it locally (on
>> Spark 2.4.1). I checked out the event logs, and the one from the newer
>> version had more stages.
>> Then I decided to do a comparison in the same environment so I created
>> the two versions of the same cluster with the only difference being the emr
>> release, and hence the spark version(?) - first one was emr-5.24.1 with
>> Spark 2.4.2, and the second one - emr-5.28.0 with Spark 2.4.4. Sure enough,
>> the same thing happened with the newer version having more stages and
>> taking almost twice as long to finish.
>> So I am pretty much at a loss here - could it be that it is not because
>> of spark itself, but because of some difference introduced in the emr
>> releases? At the moment I can't think of any other alternative besides it
>> being a bug...
>> Here are the two event logs:
>> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12pNc5uqhHtCoeCO3nHS3eQ3X7cFzUAQL?usp=sharing
>> and my code is here:
>> https://github.com/kgskgs/stars-spark3d
>> I ran it like so on the clusters (after putting it on s3):
>> spark-submit --deploy-mode cluster --py-files
>> s3://kgs-s3/scripts/utils.py,s3://kgs-s3/scripts/interactions.py,s3://kgs-s3/scripts/schemas.py
>> --name sim100_dt100_spark242 s3://kgs-s3/scripts/main.py 100 100
>> --outputDir s3://kgs-s3/output/ --inputDir s3://kgs-s3/input/
>> So yeah I was considering submitting a bug report, but in the guide it
>> said it's better to ask here first, so any ideas on what's going on? Maybe
>> I am missing something?
>> Regards,
>> Kalin

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