We have 2 Hive tables which are read in spark and joined using a join key,  
let’s call it user_id.
Then, we write this joined dataset to S3 and register it hive as a 3rd table 
for subsequent tasks to use this joined dataset.
One of the other columns in the joined dataset is called keychain_id.

We want to group all the user records belonging to the same keychain_id in the 
same partition for a reason to avoid shuffles later.
So, can I do a repartition(“keychain_id”) before writing to s3 and registering 
it in Hive , and when I read the same data back from this third table will it 
still have the same partition grouping (all users belonging to the
Same keychain_id in the same partition)? Because trying to avoid doing a     
repartition(“keychain_id”) every time when reading from this 3rd table.
Can you please clarify ?   If there is no guarantee that it will retain the 
same partition grouping while reading, then is there another efficient way this 
can be done other than caching?

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