
Trying to filter a dataframe with multiple conditions using OR "||" as below

  val rejectedDF = newDF.withColumn("target_mobile_no",

                   filter(length(col("target_mobile_no")) !== 10 ||
substring(col("target_mobile_no"),1,1) !== "7")

This throws this error

res12: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = []

<console>:49: error: value || is not a member of Int

                          filter(length(col("target_mobile_no")) !== 10 ||
substring(col("target_mobile_no"),1,1) !== "7")

Try another way

val rejectedDF = newDF.withColumn("target_mobile_no",

                   filter(length(col("target_mobile_no")) !=== 10 ||
substring(col("target_mobile_no"),1,1) !=== "7")


Tried few options but I am still getting this error

<console>:49: error: value !=== is not a member of

                          filter(length(col("target_mobile_no")) !=== 10 ||
substring(col("target_mobile_no"),1,1) !=== "7")


<console>:49: error: value || is not a member of Int

                          filter(length(col("target_mobile_no")) !=== 10 ||
substring(col("target_mobile_no"),1,1) !=== "7")

I can create a dataframe for each filter but that does not look efficient
to me?


Dr Mich Talebzadeh

LinkedIn * 


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