Hello Spark community,
   I have a custom datasource in v1 API that I'm trying to port to v2 API, in 
Java.  Currently I have a DataSource registered via catalog.createTable(name, 
<package>, schema, options map).  When trying to do this in data source API v2, 
I get an error saying my class (package) isn't a valid data source Can you help 
me out?

Spark versions are 3.0.0 w/scala 2.12, artifacts are Spark-core, spark-sql, 
spark-hive, spark-hive-thriftserver, spark-catalyst

Here's what the dataSource definition:  public class LogTableSource implements  
TableProvider,  SupportsRead,  DataSourceRegister, Serializable

I'm guessing that I am missing one of the required interfaces. Note, I did try 
this with using the LogTableSource below as "DefaultSource" but the behavior is 
the same.  Also, I keep reading about a DataSourceV2 Marker Interface, but it 
seems deprecated?

Also, I tried to add DataSourceV2ScanRelation but that won't compile:
Output() in DataSourceV2ScanRelation cannot override Output() in QueryPlan 
return type Seq<AttributeReference> is not compatible with Seq<Attribute>

  I'm fairly stumped - everything I've read online says there's a marker 
interface of some kind and yet I can't find it in my package list.

  Looking forward to hearing from you,

~ Shawn

Shawn Lavelle

Software Development

4101 Arrowhead Drive
Medina, Minnesota 55340-9457
Phone: 763 551 0559
Email: shawn.lave...@osii.com
Website: www.osii.com<https://www.osii.com>

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