
I tried doing what Vladimir suggested. But no luck there either. My guess
is that it has something to do with securityContext.fsGroup. I am trying to
pass yaml file path along with spark submit command. My yaml file content

apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod



    fsGroup: 65534

  serviceAccount: <service accoun>

  serviceAccountName: <service account name>


Is there anything wrong with this yaml file?


Rishabh Jain
Application Developer
Email rishabh.j...@thoughtworks.com
Telephone +91 6264277897 <+91+626+427+7897>
[image: ThoughtWorks]

On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 10:44 PM Vladimir Prus <vladimir.p...@gmail.com>

> On 9 Feb 2021, at 19:46, Rishabh Jain <rishabh.j...@thoughtworks.com>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are trying to access S3 from spark job running on EKS cluster pod. I
> have a service account that has an IAM role attached with full S3
> permission. We are using DefaultCredentialsProviderChain.  But still we are
> getting 403 Forbidden from S3.
> It’s hard to say without any information, but some things you might want
> to double-check
> - Make sure the Spark job is using sufficiently new AWS SDK, so that IAM
> for service account is supported
> - Modify your job to print the effective role, e.g.
>     val stsClient =
> AWSSecurityTokenServiceClientBuilder.standard().build();
>     val request = new GetCallerIdentityRequest()
>     val identity = stsClient.getCallerIdentity(request)
>     println(identity.getArn())
> - If the above does not print the expected role, verify that the pods
> actually have the right service account, and
> that  AWS_ROLE_ARN/AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE variables are set on the
> pod, and that
>   the assume policy for the role does allow EKS to assume that role.
> - If the above prints the expected role, then 403 error means you did not
> setup IAM policies on your role/bucket.
> Is there anything wrong with our approach?
> Generally speaking, IAM for service accounts in EKS + Spark works, it's
> just there's a lot of things that can go wrong the first time you do it.
> HTH,

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