
On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 5:11 AM Eduardus Hardika Sandy Atmaja <>

> Dear Apache Spark Admin
> Hello, my name is Edo. I am a Ph.D. student from India. Now I am still
> learning about High Utility Itemset Mining which is extension of Frequent
> Itemset Mining for my research. I am interested to implement my algorithm
> using Apache Spark but I do not have any idea how to do it. I tried to run
> FP-Growth algorithm in Java Netbeans downloaded from Apache Spark website
> but I cannot find the source code. Would you mind to share the code with
> me? I need it to learn how to implement my algorithm to Spark environment.
> Thank you very much. I hope you will grant my request.
> Best Regards,
> Eduardus Hardika Sandy Atmaja

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