I am trying to run spark programmatically from eclipse with these 
configurations for hadoop cluster locally
        SparkConf sparkConf = new 
                                .set("spark.executor.memory", "1g")
                                .set("deploy.mode", "cluster")
                        .set("spark.shuffle.service.enabled", "false")
                        .set("spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled", "false")
                        .set("spark.cores.max", "1")
                        .set("spark.executor.memory","500m") //
                                .set("spark.yarn.submit.file.replication", "1")

When I check on the http://localhost:8088/cluster/apps/RUNNING I can see that 
my job is submitted but y terminal loops saying
21/09/27 23:36:33 WARN YarnScheduler: Initial job has not accepted any 
resources; check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and have 
sufficient resources

I ve noticed that this occurs after the application of a map on my Dataset.

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