
When I use python logging for my unit test. I am able to control the output 
format. I get the log level, the file and line number, then the msg

[INFO testEstimatedScalingFactors.py:166 - test_B_convertCountsToInts()] BEGIN

In my spark driver I am able to get the log4j logger

        spark = SparkSession\

        # initialize  logger for yarn cluster logs
        log4jLogger = spark.sparkContext._jvm.org.apache.log4j
        logger = log4jLogger.LogManager.getLogger(__name__)

However it only outputs the message. As a hack I have been adding the function 
names to the msg.

I wonder if this is because of the way I make my python code available. When I 
submit my job using

‘$ gcloud dataproc jobs submit pyspark’

I pass my python file in a zip file
 --py-files ${extraPkg}

I use level warn because the driver info logs are very verbose


def rowSums( self, countsSparkDF, columnNames ):

    self.logger.warn( "rowSums BEGIN" )

    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/54283997/4586180

    retDF = countsSparkDF.na.fill( 0 ).withColumn( "rowSum" , reduce( add, 
[col( x ) for x in columnNames] ) )

    self.logger.warn( "rowSums retDF numRows:{} numCols:{}"\

                         .format( retDF.count(), len( retDF.columns ) ) )

    self.logger.warn( "rowSums END\n" )

    return retDF

kind regards


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