Thanks a lot, Sean, for the comments. I realize I didn't provide enough background information to properly diagnose this issue.

In the meantime, I have created some test cases for isolating the problem and running some specific performance tests. The numbers are quite revealing: Running our Spark model individually on Strings takes about 8 Sec for the test data, whereas is take 88 ms when run on the entire data in a single Dataset. This is a factor of 100x. This gets even worse for larger datasets.

So, the root cause here is the way the Spark model is being called for one string at a time by the self-built prediction pipeline (which is also using other ML techniques apart from Spark). Needs some re-factoring...

Thanks again for the help.



Am 2022-02-18 13:41, schrieb Sean Owen:

That doesn't make a lot of sense. Are you profiling the driver, rather than executors where the work occurs?
Is your data set quite small such that small overheads look big?
Do you even need Spark if your data is not distributed - coming from the driver anyway?

The fact that a static final field did anything suggests something is amiss with your driver program. Are you perhaps inadvertently serializing your containing class with a bunch of other data by using its methods in a closure? If your data is small it's not surprising that the overhead could be in just copying the data around, the two methods you cite, rather than the compute.
Too many things here to really say what's going on.

On Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 12:42 AM <> wrote:


I am working on optimising the performance of a Java ML/NLP application based on Spark / SparkNLP. For prediction, I am applying a trained model on a Spark dataset which consists of one column with only one row. The dataset is created like this:

List<String> textList = Collections.singletonList(text);
Dataset<Row> data = sparkSession
.createDataset(textList, Encoders.STRING())
.withColumnRenamed(COL_VALUE, COL_TEXT);

The predictions are created like this:

PipelineModel fittedPipeline =;

Dataset<Row> prediction = fittedPipeline.transform(dataset);

We noticed that the performance isn't quite as good as expected. After profiling the application with VisualVM, I noticed that the problem is with org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders.STRING() in the creation of the dataset, which by itself takes up about 75% of the time for the whole prediction method call.

So, is there a simpler and more efficient way of creating the required dataset, consisting of one column and one String row?

Thanks a lot.



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