
I'm using Spark 3.4.0 in standalone mode with Hadoop 3.3.5. The master node
has 2 cores and 8GB of RAM. There is a single worker node with 8 cores and
64GB of RAM.

I'm trying to process a large pipe delimited file that has been compressed
with gzip (9.2GB zipped, ~58GB unzipped, ~241m records, ~85 columns). I
uploaded the gzipped file to HDFS and created an external table using the
attached script. I tried two simpler queries on the same table, and they
finished in ~5 and ~10 minutes respectively:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ClaimsImport;
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ClaimsImport WHERE ClaimLineID = 1;

However, when I tried to create a table stored as ORC using this table as
the input, the query ran for almost 4 hours:

FROM ClaimsImport
--Exclude the header record
WHERE ClaimID <> 'ClaimID';

[image: image.png]

Why is there such a speed disparity between these different operations? I
understand that this job cannot be parallelized because the file is
compressed with gzip. I also understand that creating an ORC table from the
input will take more time than a simple COUNT(*). But it doesn't feel like
the CREATE TABLE operation should take more than 24x longer than a simple
SELECT COUNT(*) statement.

Thanks for any help. Please let me know if I can provide any additional


Attachment: Create Table.sql
Description: Binary data

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