Hi Meena,

It's not impossible, but it's unlikely that there's a bug in Spark SQL
randomly duplicating rows. The most likely explanation is there are more
records in the item table that match your sys/custumer_id/scode criteria
than you expect.

In your original query, try changing select rev.* to select I.*. This will
show you the records from item that the join produces. If the first part of
the code only returns one record, I expect you will see 4 distinct records
returned here.



On Sun, Oct 22, 2023 at 1:29 AM Meena Rajani <meenakraj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all:
> I am using spark sql to join two tables. To my surprise I am
> getting redundant rows. What could be the cause.
> select rev.* from rev
> inner join customer c
> on rev.custumer_id =c.id
> inner join product p
> rev.sys = p.sys
> rev.prin = p.prin
> rev.scode= p.bcode
> left join item I
> on rev.sys = i.sys
> rev.custumer_id = I.custumer_id
> rev. scode = I.scode
> where rev.custumer_id = '123456789'
> The first part of the code brings one row
> select rev.* from rev
> inner join customer c
> on rev.custumer_id =c.id
> inner join product p
> rev.sys = p.sys
> rev.prin = p.prin
> rev.scode= p.bcode
> The  item has two rows which have common attributes  and the* final join
> should result in 2 rows. But I am seeing 4 rows instead.*
> left join item I
> on rev.sys = i.sys
> rev.custumer_id = I.custumer_id
> rev. scode = I.scode
> Regards,
> Meena

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