
I am using spark-0,8,1, and what's the meaning of spark.driver.host? I ran
SparkPi failed.(either yarn-standalone or yarn-client)

It was 'Hostname or IP address for the driver to listen on.' in the
document. but what host the Driver will listen on? the RM on the yarn? if
yes, I configured spark.driver.host in the spark-env.sh as resource manager
host and port:
export SPARK_DAEMON_JAVA_OPTS="-Dspark.driver.host=

but it doesn't work. I find in the log:
WARN yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver at null:null,
retrying ...

Even if I added these two system env variables to the JAVA_OPTS in the
bin/spark-class, it also doen't work, please help.

Any inputs are appreciated.

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