Interesting.  I’ll inspect the assembly and take a look, but i have a couple of 
follow up questions,

1.  If the class is needed both in the sparkContext thread and the workers 
would i need to add it twice? with —addJars and with —file?
2.  with the —file method will i need to place the jar at that location on each 
node of the cluster or does the yarn client read the file and distribute it 
onto the cluster?

Thanks response.

On Jan 7, 2014, at 8:44 PM, Liu, Raymond <> wrote:

> Not found in which part of code? If in sparkContext thread, say on AM, 
> --addJars should work
> If on tasks, then --addjars won't work, you need to use --file=local://xxx 
> etc, not sure is it available in 0.8.1. And adding to a single jar should 
> also work, if not works, might be something wrong with the assemble? 
> Best Regards,
> Raymond Liu
> From: Eric Kimbrel [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 11:16 AM
> To:
> Subject: Spark on Yarn classpath problems
> I am trying to run spark version 0.8.1 on hadoop 2.2.0-cdh5.0.0-beta-1 with 
> YARN.  
> I am using YARN Client with yarn-standalone mode as described here 
> For simplifying matters I'll say my application code is all contained in 
> application.jar and it additionally depends on on code in dependency.jar
> I launch my spark application as follows:
> org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.Client \
>  --jar application.jar \
>  --class <My main class> \
>  --args <app specific arguments> \
>  --num-workers <NUMBER_OF_WORKER_MACHINES> \
>  --master-memory <MEMORY_FOR_MASTER> \
>  --worker-memory <MEMORY_PER_WORKER> \
>  --worker-cores <CORES_PER_WORKER> \  
>  --name <application_name> \
>  --addJars dependency.jar
> Yarn loads the job and starts to execute, but as the job runs it quickly dies 
> on class not found exceptions for classes that are specified in 
> dependency.jar.
> As an attempted fix i tried including all of the dependencies into a single 
> jar "application-with-dependencies.jar"  I specify this jar with -jar option 
> and remove the -addJars line.  Unfortunately this did not alleviate the issue 
> and the class not found exceptions continued.

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