I would start by increasing task timeout


would so supervisor doesn't mark the task as dead and restart.

On Aug 24, 2016 2:17 AM, "Simon Cooper" <simon.coo...@featurespace.co.uk>

> We’re decompressing and deserializing several hundreds-of-megabytes files
> containing data (statistical classifier definitions, mostly) that the bolt
> needs to do its thing. The bolt can’t process events without deserializing
> and indexing the data in those files, which could take anything up to
> several minutes. This can’t easily be farmed out to an external service,
> due to various processing and infrastructure limitations
> SimonC
> *From:* Hart, James W. [mailto:jwh...@seic.com]
> *Sent:* 23 August 2016 15:04
> *To:* user@storm.apache.org
> *Subject:* RE: Running a long task in bolt prepare() method
> Can you elaborate on what kind work is being done at startup?
> If you are building some kind of cacheable lookup data, I would build that
> elsewhere in a persistent cache, like redis, and then fetch and access it
> through redis.
> *From:* Simon Cooper [mailto:simon.coo...@featurespace.co.uk
> <simon.coo...@featurespace.co.uk>]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 23, 2016 9:36 AM
> *To:* user@storm.apache.org
> *Subject:* RE: Running a long task in bolt prepare() method
> We’ve got a similar issue, where the prepare() takes a long time (could be
> up to several minutes), and the bolt can’t process tuples until that is
> completed. The topology seems to send in tuples before the prepare is
> completed, and things go wrong
> We’re having to implement our own mechanism for notification – an external
> way for the bolt to report to the spout that it is ready. This is also an
> issue on multi-worker topologies where one of the workers goes down, is
> recreated, and it’s several minutes before it can process tuples.
> It would be good if there was a way for storm to deal with this, so we
> don’t have to implement our own back-channel back to the spout…
> SimonC
> *From:* Andrea Gazzarini [mailto:gxs...@gmail.com <gxs...@gmail.com>]
> *Sent:* 23 August 2016 13:08
> *To:* user@storm.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: Running a long task in bolt prepare() method
> Not sure if there's a "built-in" approach in Storm for doint that. After
> make sure there isn't,  I'd do the following
>    - I'd start such long task asynchronously in the prepare method and
>    I'd register a callback
>    - if the execute method logic depends on the completion of such task,
>    I'd use a basic state pattern with two states ON/OFF (where the off state
>    is basically a NullObject). The callback would be responsible to switch
>    the bolt state from OFF (initial state) to ON (working state)
> Best,
> Andrea
> On 23/08/16 09:12, Xiang Wang wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am trying to do some long-time initialisation task in bolt prepare()
> method in local mode.
> I always got error like this:
> *WARN  o.a.s.s.o.a.z.s.p.FileTxnLog - fsync-ing the write ahead log in
> SyncThread:0 took 1197ms which will adversely effect operation latency. See
> the ZooKeeper troubleshooting guide*
> And then the task fails.
> Could anyone tell me how to fix this problem? Or is it a good practice to
> run long-time task in prepare() method? If not, what is supposed to be the
> correct way to do it?
> Many thanks for your kind help.
> Best,
> Xiang
> -------------------------------
> Xiang Wang, PhD Candidate
> Database Research Group
> School of Computer Science and Engineering
> The University of New South Wales
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