That topology doesn’t use reliable delivery, so there is nothing to throttle 
that spout without the `sleep()`. So the spout will emit as fast as it can, 
which is faster than the bolts in the topology can process them.

Try reducing the sleep time to something smaller like 5.


> On Oct 25, 2016, at 10:51 PM, Junguk Cho <> wrote:
> Hi, All.
> I evaluate Storm performance with WordCount example.
> In spout, I removed "Utils.sleep(100)" in
> So, it emitted sentences very fast.
> Whenever I run WordCountTopology, "split" bolt dead with below messages and 
> It is re-launched.
> 2016-10-25 20:37:39.395 STDERR [INFO] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead 
> limit exceeded
> 2016-10-25 20:37:39.398 STDERR [INFO] Dumping heap to artifacts/heapdump ...
> I increased worker.heap.memory.mb as 2GB.
> Obviously, split bolt was overloaded due to extensive inputs from a spout and 
> simple execute logics (splitting a sentence into words and sending them to a 
> count bolt).
> So, I changed the number of splits and counts while I kept using 1 spout, but 
> I still saw this situation.
> Any advice will be welcome.
> Thanks,
> Junguk

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