Yes that is correct. All downstream tuples must be processed for the root
tuple to be acknowledged.

Type of grouping does not change the acking behavior.

On Dec 19, 2016 3:53 PM, "Xunyun Liu" <> wrote:

> Hi there,
> As some grouping methods allow sending multiple copies of emitted data to
> downstream bolt instances, I was wondering what will happen if any one of
> them is not able to ack the tuple due to failures. The intrinsic question
> is that, when the all grouping method is used, whether the recipients are
> receiving the exact the same tuple or just duplications with different
> tuple IDs. In the latter case, I believe the tuple tree is expanded with
> regard to the number of parallelisms in downstream and each task has to
> invoke ack() for the root tuple to be fully processed.
> Any idea is much appreciated.
> --
> Best Regards.
> ======================================================
> Xunyun Liu
> ​​

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