As per KafkaConsumer 

“ Setting means that offsets are committed 
automatically with a frequency controlled by the config “

That means that the Spout disregards if the Tuple is acked or not;  every time 
interval (as controlled by ) the offset will be 
committed. This can have have an impact on the delivery guarantees, because an 
offset may be committed, yet the tuple may fail.

On Feb 20, 2017, at 8:15 AM, Igor Kuzmenko 
<<>> wrote:

Hello, I'd like to understand difference between auto commit mode true/false in 
new KafkaSpout.

With auto.commit.enabled = false KafkaSpout will move my offset relying on 
acked tuples, it seems easy.

But what happens if I turn auto commit on?
How Kafka make decision which offset to commit?

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