The tuples are ack-ed only once they fall out of the window. The ‘executed’ are 
typically the tuples that are received by the windowed bolt and enqueued for 
processing. Once the window moves forward, tuples fall out of the window and 
are acked. Since you have set a timestamp field, the window will move forward 
based on the event’s timestamp (ie. only when events with a timestamp past the 
sliding interval + the lag) is seen. Maybe the spout emitted many tuples with 
timestamps that fell within the window and did not emit tuples with newer 
timestamps to move the window forward.

From:  cutd <>
Reply-To:  "" <>
Date:  Monday, July 3, 2017 at 8:18 AM
To:  user <>
Subject:  Why The BaseWindowedBolt Excuted 2,428,080 But Only acked 282,380

Dear all,
This is my code in topology.Is there has any error logic?
And this is storm-ui that I find this bug.I don't know why this bug take 
place?The Bolt excuted 2,428,080 but only acked 282,380.
Help me!
Best regards!

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