
I have 2 topologies which processes live streams from more then 500
applications. It was working with one zookeeper  from the Zookeeper Quorum.
As the API don;t provide(not i know of) support for KafkaSpout
configuration. Intent here is to be highly available.

Find below the details :

To configure a kafkaSpout, it Takes BrokerHosts which in turn take one
zookeeper host.

BrokerHosts host = new ZkHosts("zookeeper-server-1:2181");
SpoutConfig spoutConfig = new SpoutConfig(host,
            "/" + TopologyConstants.KAFKA_QUEUE.SOURCE, ID);
KafkaSpout kafkaSpout = new KafkaSpout(spoutConfig);

Problem is, If i have a zookeeper quorum(cluster of 3 zk servers), how do i
configure KafkaSpoutto take all the members of quorum instead of only 1. As
one zookeeper server may get down and the whole topology will be

Praveen Puskar

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