I believe this is handled by the Logviewer daemon. If you run "storm
logviewer" on your worker machines, the Logviewer daemon will periodically
delete old topology directories.

Take a look at
to see how this works.

Den tor. 4. apr. 2019 kl. 10.53 skrev Mohit Goyal <itsmohitgo...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> I'm using log4j to log all my topology logs in apache storm. Using the
> following standard format I'm generating appender files:
>> fileName="${sys:workers.artifacts}/${sys:storm.id
>> }/${sys:worker.port}/${sys:logfile.name}"
>> filePattern="${sys:workers.artifacts}/${sys:storm.id
>> }/${sys:worker.port}/${sys:logfile.name}.%i">
>  Now the problem I'm facing here is that if I deploy any topology again, 
> it'll create a separate folder and create log files in that folder since the 
> new topology will have different value of *sys:storm.id <http://storm.id/>* 
> field. This way my supervisor machine will still have logs from older version 
> of topology, which over the time accumulates and cause me some memory issues. 
> Has anyone hare faced this issue and what can be the possible solution. One 
> solution can be that I remove *sys:storm.id <http://storm.id/>* field from 
> filename but since I've several topologies running, I don't want to remove 
> topology name from my log file path.
> Thanks and regards,
> Mohit Goyal

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