
it is the result of printing an empty list, see [1]. The log would contain the 
ids of blacklisted nodes. 

Maybe we can just add a check (> 0 | not empty) before actually printing the 
Message. Wdyt?



Am 1. Oktober 2023 10:09:47 MESZ schrieb Alexandre Vermeerbergen 
>Using Storm 2.5.0, i just realized that in nimbus.log, I have the
>following message every 10 seconds:
>2023-10-01 08:02:01.607 o.a.s.s.b.BlacklistScheduler timer [INFO]
>Supervisors [] are blacklisted.
>2023-10-01 08:02:11.794 o.a.s.s.b.BlacklistScheduler timer [INFO]
>Supervisors [] are blacklisted.
>2023-10-01 08:02:21.824 o.a.s.s.b.BlacklistScheduler timer [INFO]
>Supervisors [] are blacklisted.
>... etc ...
>It's the same on all my Storm clusters.
>Given that the log has INFO severity, it's maybe intentional; but
>first, the message is kind of bizarre (shouldn't it be "no supervisors
>are blacklisted"), a second, this looks like a kind of logs flooding,
>isn't it ?
>(posting to users@storm to get some feedback from other users, not only dev)

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