would the Trident version of this be
tridentKafkaConfig.startOffsetTime ?

On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 12:23 PM, Danijel Schiavuzzi <dani...@schiavuzzi.com
> wrote:

> By default, the Kafka spout resumes consuming where it last left off. That
> offset is stored in ZooKeeper.
> You can set forceStartOffset to -2 to start consuming from the earliest
> available offset, or -1 to start consuming from the latest available offset.
> On Wednesday, May 28, 2014, Raphael Hsieh <raffihs...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If I don't tell trident to start consuming data from the beginning of the
>> Kafka stream, where does it start from?
>> If I were to do:
>>    tridentKafkaConfig.forceFromStart = true;
>> Then it will tell the spout to start consuming from the start of the
>> stream. If that is not set, then where does it start consuming from? and
>> How might I go about telling it to start consuming from the very end of the
>> stream?
>> If a disaster were to happen and all my hosts died, when I start my
>> cluster back up, it might start consuming from where it left off. I would
>> rather manually process that old data, and have my storm system start
>> processing the live data.
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Raphael Hsieh
> --
> Danijel Schiavuzzi
> E: dani...@schiavuzzi.com
> W: www.schiavuzzi.com
> T: +385989035562
> Skype: danijels7

Raphael Hsieh
Software Development Engineer I
(978) 764-9014

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