Hi Noam,

Yes we can easily integrate Storm with Ganglia by using the JMXTrans
between Storm and Ganglia.
It is also possible to publish the Storm worker metrics on Ganglia.

Ankit Jain
Learning Storm

On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 1:42 PM, Noam Cohen <noam.co...@acuityads.com>

>  Hey guys -
> We've just installed Storm 0.91 next to our Hadoop cluster. For Hadoop -
> we use Ganglia extensively to get visual representation of aggregative
> metrics (for example - number of bytes read in a given time, either from a
> certain server or from the entire cluster, etc.). This really helps us
> analyze performance issues that may occur in a certain time frame.
> I was wondering if there's a way to integrate Storm with Ganglia as well.
> I mainly want to get topology-related statistics (for example - number of
> Acked and Failed values for a certain executor or for the entire topology,
> in a certain time frame)... Does Storm publish such metrics? Can they be
> published to Ganglia as well?
> Thanks!
> Noam

Ankit Jain

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