Hi Kushan,

Reading a same record multiple time is only possible if you are running two
set of consumer group. In one consumer group, a single record will be
processed only once.

Do you have restarted the topology or the records got timeout during

Ankit Jain
Learning Storm

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 7:03 AM, Kushan Maskey <
kushan.mas...@mmillerassociates.com> wrote:

> Is possible that kafkaSpout would process same record twice? I had an
> impression that once a record is read and processed successfully by storm,
> it will never go back to read the same message at the same offset again. I
> found an instance that a record was read and stored twice with exactly the
> same even the created timestamp is same.
> Kushan Maskey

Ankit Jain

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