We’ve found the same thing. A significant amount of cpu time is being taken up 
by unlocking (?) within the disruptor queue.

From: Rahul Mittal [mailto:rahulmitta...@gmail.com]
Sent: 24 September 2014 16:16
To: user@storm.incubator.apache.org
Subject: High CPU usage by storm workers


We are experiencing some difficulties in bringing down the CPU usage for our 
storm topologies.We are getting only 4k-5k tuples per second

The worker uses around 2 to 3 cpu cores.

After we profiled our worker we found out that majority of the CPU time is 
taken by ReentrantLock.unlock() (around 40-50%).

I have attached the profiler snapshots.

the configuration we are running with are:

no of workers = 1
bolt parallelism = 3
spout parallelism = 3 (kafka Spout)
Topology_reciever_buffer_size =8
Topology_transfer_buffer_size =32
Topology_executor_buffer_size =16384
Topology_executor_send_buffer_size =16384

Also we are not facing any problems with throughput . Capcity and execute 
latecy for each of the tasks seems to be fine.

With Regards

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