A new problem:
I have a Clear button which suppose to clear the input
fields. However, when I use bean:write to display the
current value on the page, and disable reset() in the
ActionForm, after pressing Clear button, the value in
Form (session scope) is still displayed on the page.

is it expected ? I thought Clear does clear whatever
on the page (form) and values in the ActionForm are
not touched.

thanks !
li xin

JSP code below:
<html:form action="/admin/OrgAction">
 <th Basic Information</th>   
   <td><input type=text name=name size=20
value='<bean:write name="createOrgForm"
   <td>Description :td>
   <td><input type=text name=description size=20
value='<bean:write name="createOrgForm"
   <td align=left><html:submit><bean:message
   <td align=right><html:reset><bean:message


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