A issue I am facing with struts2.0.14's date time picker tag

The problem is that struts2 datetimepicker displayformat attribute must
always be set to format of tomcat server date time format else the
submitted values are null.

*Change Date time setting by in Win 7:*

   1. RightClick bottom right corner date.
   2. Click on Change Date & Time Settings
   3. Change calender settings
   4. Change Regional Settings
   5. Set Format as English(India)

*Repro Steps*

   1. Change the Regional Settings as mentioned above & restart the tomcat
   2. Now do not use any displayformat or use display format other than
   "dd/mm/yyyy" in date time picker
   3. Submit the struts2 form with date 21/12/2012
   4. In Action submitted date is set to null
   5. Now change the regional setting to English(US) and do not use any
   displayformat and restart the server.
   6. Values in action are set as submitted through form.

*Expected result*

   1. Whatever is the system date time format then date must be parsed
   accordingly and made available in action.


Java 6, Struts2.0.14, Firefix 12, tomcat 6.

Any workarounds or fixes through properties or something?

**Note: Do not answer if the answer is to use jquery or some other js lib
or an upgrade.*



*With Best Regards,*

Amol Ghotankar
Technical Lead
M: +91 9960 980 419 <http://www.cursivetech.com>

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