Thanks Lukasz for the inputs.

I am using S2 DI because i am doing it for my plugin.

For Plugin to work with different implementations  my intentions let user
specify the provider class at configuration time and based on the user
provider class i want to init the plugin mechanism.

Only information i was having that all provider classes will have to
extends MyClass and there are not any specific set of classes
which implements MyClass.

So i was trying to make the provider inside my plugin a more generic which
should be capable enough to hook itself with any provider
which satisfy the contact ( <? extends MyClass> )

is there any way to do this with S2 internals?


On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 3:10 PM, Lukasz Lenart <>wrote:

> 2012/9/30 Aum Strut <>:
> > How can i pass this information to the container to get the instance
> > of the class passed at run time?
> First of all you shouldn't use Struts2 internal DI mechanism, use
> Spring or Guice. But if you don't have any other option just declare
> your bean in struts.xml and call with
> container.getInstance(MyClass.class)
> <bean type="" />
> or with interface
> container.getInstance(MyInterface.class)
> <bean type="" class="" />
> or with two or more implementations
> container.getInstance(MyInterface.class, "impl1")
> <bean type="" class="" name="impl1" />
> <bean type="" class="" name="impl2" />
> And there are scopes as well.
> Regards
> --
> Ɓukasz
> + 48 606 323 122
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