Something very useful i found for using struts2 with Google analytics :)

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 1:22 AM, Amol Ghotankar <>wrote:

> Hi,
> I was trying for integration Google ads inside struts2 application.
> Though I understand their is no interconnection between both, but it could
> be great if anyone could point me to any sample or example of
> *How to integrate Google ads inside Struts2 application?*
> I wanted to know the best practices for using both together.
> If not any sample, just if anyone who has used both could share some
> experience on how to proceed and what are dos and don't in it
> --
> *With Best Regards,*
> Amol Ghotankar
> Technical Lead
> M: +91 9960 980 419 <>


*With Best Regards,*

Amol Ghotankar
Technical Lead
M: +91 9960 980 419 <>

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