have a look at that


On 1 July 2013 13:17, Eric Lentz <ericle...@outfastsource.com> wrote:

> I recently posted a question here regarding using tags that refer to a List
> or an array structure in the action class, such as is depicted below.
> I was told that I should be using "indexed tags." Googling for that
> specific phrase is not providing me with what that is and no joy in finding
> it in the Struts book I own either.
> Can someone please explain to me what an "indexed tag" is?
> --- Example of original question context ---
> <s:iterator value="foos" status="stat" >
>     <s:textfield name="foos[%{#stat.index}].aString"
> value="%{foos[#stat.index].aString}" />
> </s:iterator>
> - Eric

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