Looking back there was one slight typo in my example:

<display:table name="notifications" uid="tableListUid">
    <s:form action="acknowledgeDocumentNotification">
      <s:hidden name="documentId" value="%{#attr.tableListUid.documentId}"/>
      <s:submit key="button.submit"/>

The above addresses the typo where documentId is a property on the bean that 
represents a row within the notifications list.

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Gainty [mailto:mgai...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 7:25 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Get single value from a row with displaytag and struts 2

Hi Chris-
i dont see documentId in TableTag.java from displaytag source ?

 * Licensed under the Artistic License; you may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://displaytag.sourceforge.net/license.html
package org.displaytag.tags;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter;
import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext;

import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils;
import org.apache.commons.collections.IteratorUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.math.LongRange;
import org.apache.commons.lang.math.Range;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.displaytag.decorator.DecoratorFactory;
import org.displaytag.decorator.TableDecorator;
import org.displaytag.exception.DecoratorException;
import org.displaytag.exception.ExportException;
import org.displaytag.exception.FactoryInstantiationException;
import org.displaytag.exception.InvalidTagAttributeValueException;
import org.displaytag.exception.ObjectLookupException;
import org.displaytag.exception.WrappedRuntimeException;
import org.displaytag.export.BinaryExportView;
import org.displaytag.export.ExportView;
import org.displaytag.export.ExportViewFactory;
import org.displaytag.export.TextExportView;
import org.displaytag.model.Cell;
import org.displaytag.model.Column;
import org.displaytag.model.ColumnIterator;
import org.displaytag.model.HeaderCell;
import org.displaytag.model.Row;
import org.displaytag.model.RowIterator;
import org.displaytag.model.TableModel;
import org.displaytag.pagination.SmartListHelper;
import org.displaytag.properties.MediaTypeEnum;
import org.displaytag.properties.SortOrderEnum;
import org.displaytag.properties.TableProperties;
import org.displaytag.util.Anchor;
import org.displaytag.util.CollectionUtil;
import org.displaytag.util.DependencyChecker;
import org.displaytag.util.Href;
import org.displaytag.util.ParamEncoder;
import org.displaytag.util.RequestHelper;
import org.displaytag.util.RequestHelperFactory;
import org.displaytag.util.TagConstants;

 * This tag takes a list of objects and creates a table to display those 
objects. With the help of column tags, you
 * simply provide the name of properties (get Methods) that are called against 
the objects in your list that gets
 * displayed. This tag works very much like the struts iterator tag, most of 
the attributes have the same name and
 * functionality as the struts tag.
 * @author mraible
 * @author Fabrizio Giustina
 * @version $Revision: 1.99 $ ($Author: fgiust $)
public class TableTag extends HtmlTableTag

     * name of the attribute added to page scope when exporting, containing an 
MediaTypeEnum this can be used in column
     * content to detect the output type and to return different data when 
    public static final String PAGE_ATTRIBUTE_MEDIA = "mediaType"; //$NON-NLS-1$

     * If this variable is found in the request, assume the export filter is 
    public static final String FILTER_CONTENT_OVERRIDE_BODY = //

     * D1597A17A6.
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 899149338534L;

     * logger.
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TableTag.class);

     * RequestHelperFactory instance used for link generation.
    private static RequestHelperFactory rhf;

     * Object (collection, list) on which the table is based. This is not set 
directly using a tag attribute and can be
     * cleaned.
    protected Object list;

    // -- start tag attributes --

     * Object (collection, list) on which the table is based. Set directly 
using the "list" attribute or evaluated from
     * expression.
    protected Object listAttribute;

     * actual row number, updated during iteration.
    private int rowNumber = 1;

     * name of the object to use for iteration. Can contain expressions.
    private String name;

     * property to get into the bean defined by "name".
     * @deprecated Use expressions in "name" attribute
    private String property;

     * scope of the bean defined by "name". Use expressions in name instead
     * @deprecated
    private String scope;

     * length of list to display.
    private int length;

     * table decorator class name.
    private String decoratorName;

     * page size.
    private int pagesize;

     * add export links.
    private boolean export;

     * list offset.
    private int offset;

     * sort the full list?
    private Boolean sortFullTable;

     * Request uri.
    private String requestUri;

     * Prepend application context to generated links.
    private boolean dontAppendContext;

     * the index of the column sorted by default.
    private int defaultSortedColumn = -1;

     * the sorting order for the sorted column.
    private SortOrderEnum defaultSortOrder;

     * Name of parameter which should not be forwarded during sorting or 
    private String excludedParams;

     * Unique table id.
    private String uid;

    // -- end tag attributes --

     * Map which contains previous row values. Needed for grouping
    private Map previousRow;

     * table model - initialized in doStartTag().
    private TableModel tableModel;

     * current row.
    private Row currentRow;

     * next row.
    private Map nextRow;

     * Used by various functions when the person wants to do paging - cleaned 
in doEndTag().
    private SmartListHelper listHelper;

     * base href used for links - set in initParameters().
    private Href baseHref;

     * table properties - set in doStartTag().
    private TableProperties properties;

     * page number - set in initParameters().
    private int pageNumber = 1;

     * Iterator on collection.
    private Iterator tableIterator;

     * export type - set in initParameters().
    private MediaTypeEnum currentMediaType;

     * daAfterBody() has been executed at least once?
    private boolean doAfterBodyExecuted;

     * The param encoder used to generate unique parameter names. Initialized 
at the first use of encodeParameter().
    private ParamEncoder paramEncoder;

     * static footer added using the footer tag.
    private String footer;

     * static caption added using the footer tag.
    private String caption;

     * Included row range. If no rows can be skipped the range is from 0 to 
Long.MAX_VALUE. Range check should be always
     * done using containsLong(). This is an instance of 
org.apache.commons.lang.math.Range, but it's declared as Object
     * to avoid runtime errors while Jasper tries to compile the page and 
commons lang 2.0 is not available. Commons
     * lang version will be checked in the doStartTag() method in order to 
provide a more user friendly message.
    private Object filteredRows;

     * Sets the list of parameter which should not be forwarded during sorting 
or pagination.
     * @param value whitespace separated list of parameters which should not be 
included (* matches all parameters)
    public void setExcludedParams(String value)
        this.excludedParams = value;

     * Sets the content of the footer. Called by a nested footer tag.
     * @param string footer content
    public void setFooter(String string)
        this.footer = string;

     * Sets the content of the caption. Called by a nested caption tag.
     * @param string caption content
    public void setCaption(String string)
        this.caption = string;

     * Is the current row empty?
     * @return true if the current row is empty
    protected boolean isEmpty()
        return this.currentRow == null;

     * setter for the "sort" attribute.
     * @param value "page" (sort a single page) or "list" (sort the full list)
     * @throws InvalidTagAttributeValueException if value is not "page" or 
    public void setSort(String value) throws InvalidTagAttributeValueException
        if (TableTagParameters.SORT_AMOUNT_PAGE.equals(value))
            this.sortFullTable = Boolean.FALSE;
        else if (TableTagParameters.SORT_AMOUNT_LIST.equals(value))
            this.sortFullTable = Boolean.TRUE;
            throw new InvalidTagAttributeValueException(getClass(), "sort", 
value); //$NON-NLS-1$

     * setter for the "requestURI" attribute. Context path is automatically 
added to path starting with "/".
     * @param value base URI for creating links
    public void setRequestURI(String value)
        this.requestUri = value;

     * Setter for the "requestURIcontext" attribute.
     * @param value base URI for creating links
    public void setRequestURIcontext(boolean value)
        this.dontAppendContext = !value;

     * Used to directly set a list (or any object you can iterate on).
     * @param value Object
     * @deprecated use setName() to get the object from the page or request 
scope instead of setting it directly here
    public void setList(Object value)
        this.listAttribute = value;

     * Sets the name of the object to use for iteration.
     * @param value name of the object to use for iteration (can contain 
expression). It also supports direct setting of
     * a list, for jsp 2.0 containers where users can set up a data source here 
using EL expressions.
    public void setName(Object value)
        if (value instanceof String)
            // ok, assuming this is the name of the object
            this.name = (String) value;
            // is this the list?
            this.list = value;

     * Sets the name of the object to use for iteration. This setter is needed 
for jsp 1.1 container which doesn't
     * support the String - Object conversion. The bean info class will swith 
to this setter.
     * @param value name of the object
    public void setNameString(String value)
        this.name = value;

     * Sets the property to get into the bean defined by "name".
     * @param value property name
     * @deprecated Use expressions in "name" attribute
    public void setProperty(String value)
        this.property = value;

     * sets the sorting order for the sorted column.
     * @param value "ascending" or "descending"
     * @throws InvalidTagAttributeValueException if value is not one of 
"ascending" or "descending"
    public void setDefaultorder(String value) throws 
        this.defaultSortOrder = SortOrderEnum.fromName(value);
        if (this.defaultSortOrder == null)
            throw new InvalidTagAttributeValueException(getClass(), 
"defaultorder", value); //$NON-NLS-1$

     * Setter for object scope.
     * @param value String
     * @deprecated Use expressions in "name" attribute
    public void setScope(String value)
        this.scope = value;

     * Setter for the decorator class name.
     * @param decorator fully qualified name of the table decorator to use
    public void setDecorator(String decorator)
        this.decoratorName = decorator;

     * Is export enabled?
     * @param value <code>true</code> if export should be enabled
    public void setExport(boolean value)
        this.export = value;

     * sets the number of items to be displayed in the page.
     * @param value number of items to display in a page
    public void setLength(int value)
        this.length = value;

     * sets the index of the default sorted column.
     * @param value index of the column to sort
    public void setDefaultsort(int value)
        // subtract one (internal index is 0 based)
        this.defaultSortedColumn = value - 1;

     * sets the number of items that should be displayed for a single page.
     * @param value number of items that should be displayed for a single page
    public void setPagesize(int value)
        this.pagesize = value;

     * Setter for the list offset attribute.
     * @param value String
    public void setOffset(int value)
        if (value < 1)
            // negative values has no meaning, simply treat them as 0
            this.offset = 0;
            this.offset = value - 1;

     * Sets the unique id used to identify for this table.
     * @param value String
    public void setUid(String value)
        if (getHtmlId() == null)
            setHtmlId(value); // by default id is actually used for the html id 
attribute, if no htmlId is added

        this.uid = value;

     * Returns the unique id used to identify for this table.
     * @return id for this table
    public String getUid()
        return this.uid;

     * It's a getter.
     * @return the this.pageContext
    public PageContext getPageContext()
        return this.pageContext;

     * Returns the properties.
     * @return TableProperties
    protected TableProperties getProperties()
        return this.properties;

     * Returns the base href with parameters. This is the instance used for 
links, need to be cloned before being
     * modified.
     * @return base Href with parameters
    protected Href getBaseHref()
        return this.baseHref;

     * Called by interior column tags to help this tag figure out how it is 
supposed to display the information in the
     * List it is supposed to display.
     * @param column an internal tag describing a column in this tableview
    public void addColumn(HeaderCell column)
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("[" + getUid() + "] addColumn " + column);

     * Adds a cell to the current row. This method is usually called by a 
contained ColumnTag
     * @param cell Cell to add to the current row
    public void addCell(Cell cell)
        // check if null: could be null if list is empty, we don't need to fill 
        if (this.currentRow != null)

     * Is this the first iteration?
     * @return boolean <code>true</code> if this is the first iteration
    protected boolean isFirstIteration()
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                + getUid()
                + "] first iteration="
                + (this.rowNumber == 1)
                + " (row number="
                + this.rowNumber
                + ")");
        // in first iteration this.rowNumber is 1
        // (this.rowNumber is incremented in doAfterBody)
        return this.rowNumber == 1;

     * When the tag starts, we just initialize some of our variables, and do a 
little bit of error checking to make sure
     * that the user is not trying to give us parameters that we don't expect.
     * @return int
     * @throws JspException generic exception
     * @see javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag#doStartTag()
    public int doStartTag() throws JspException

        // needed before column processing, elsewhere registered views will not 
be added

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("[" + getUid() + "] doStartTag called");

        this.properties = TableProperties.getInstance((HttpServletRequest) 
        this.tableModel = new TableModel(this.properties, 

        // copying id to the table model for logging


        Object previousMediaType = 
        // set the PAGE_ATTRIBUTE_MEDIA attribute in the page scope
        if (this.currentMediaType != null
            && (previousMediaType == null || 
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("[" + getUid() + "] setting media [" + 
this.currentMediaType + "] in this.pageContext");


        // always return EVAL_BODY_TAG to get column headers also if the table 
is empty
        // using int to avoid deprecation error in compilation using j2ee 1.3
        return 2;

     * @see javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTag#doAfterBody()
    public int doAfterBody()
        // doAfterBody() has been called, body is not empty
        this.doAfterBodyExecuted = true;

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("[" + getUid() + "] doAfterBody called - iterating on row 
" + this.rowNumber);

        // increment this.rowNumber

        // Call doIteration() to do the common work
        return doIteration();

     * Utility method that is used by both doStartTag() and doAfterBody() to 
perform an iteration.
     * @return <code>int</code> either EVAL_BODY_TAG or SKIP_BODY depending on 
whether another iteration is desired.
    protected int doIteration()

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("[" + getUid() + "] doIteration called");

        // Row already filled?
        if (this.currentRow != null)
            // if yes add to table model and remove
            this.currentRow = null;

        if (this.tableIterator.hasNext())

            Object iteratedObject = this.tableIterator.next();
            if (getUid() != null)
                if ((iteratedObject != null))
                    // set object into this.pageContext
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                        log.debug("[" + getUid() + "] setting attribute \"" + 
getUid() + "\" in pageContext");
                    this.pageContext.setAttribute(getUid(), iteratedObject);

                    // if row is null remove previous object
                // set the current row number into this.pageContext
                this.pageContext.setAttribute(getUid() + 
TableTagExtraInfo.ROWNUM_SUFFIX, new Integer(this.rowNumber));

            // Row object for Cell values
            this.currentRow = new Row(iteratedObject, this.rowNumber);

            // new iteration
            // using int to avoid deprecation error in compilation using j2ee 
            return 2;

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("[" + getUid() + "] doIteration() - iterator ended after 
" + (this.rowNumber - 1) + " rows");

        // end iteration
        return SKIP_BODY;

     * Reads parameters from the request and initialize all the needed table 
model attributes.
     * @throws ObjectLookupException for problems in evaluating the expression 
in the "name" attribute
     * @throws FactoryInstantiationException for problems in instantiating a 
    private void initParameters() throws ObjectLookupException, 
        if (rhf == null)
            // first time initialization
            rhf = this.properties.getRequestHelperFactoryInstance();

        RequestHelper requestHelper = 


        Integer pageNumberParameter = 
        this.pageNumber = (pageNumberParameter == null) ? 1 : 

        Integer sortColumnParameter = 
        int sortColumn = (sortColumnParameter == null) ? 
this.defaultSortedColumn : sortColumnParameter.intValue();

        // default value
        boolean finalSortFull = this.properties.getSortFullList();

        // user value for this single table
        if (this.sortFullTable != null)
            finalSortFull = this.sortFullTable.booleanValue();


        SortOrderEnum paramOrder = SortOrderEnum.fromCode(requestHelper

        // if no order parameter is set use default
        if (paramOrder == null)
            paramOrder = this.defaultSortOrder;

        boolean order = SortOrderEnum.DESCENDING != paramOrder;

        Integer exportTypeParameter = requestHelper
        this.currentMediaType = MediaTypeEnum.fromCode(exportTypeParameter);
        if (this.currentMediaType == null)
            this.currentMediaType = MediaTypeEnum.HTML;

        String fullName = getFullObjectName();

        // only evaluate if needed, else use list attribute
        if (fullName != null)
            this.list = evaluateExpression(fullName);
        else if (this.list == null)
            // needed to allow removing the collection of objects if not set 
            this.list = this.listAttribute;

        // do we really need to skip any row?
        boolean wishOptimizedIteration = (this.pagesize > 0 // we are paging
            || this.offset > 0 // or we are skipping some records using offset
        || this.length > 0 // or we are limiting the records using length

        // can we actually skip any row?
        if (wishOptimizedIteration && (this.list instanceof Collection) // we 
need to know the size
            && ((sortColumn == -1 // and we are not sorting
            || !finalSortFull // or we are sorting with the "page" behaviour
            ) && (this.currentMediaType == MediaTypeEnum.HTML // and we are not 
            || !this.properties.getExportFullList()) // or we are exporting a 
single page
            int start = 0;
            int end = 0;
            if (this.offset > 0)
                start = this.offset;
            if (length > 0)
                end = start + this.length;

            if (this.pagesize > 0)
                int fullSize = ((Collection) this.list).size();
                start = (this.pageNumber - 1) * this.pagesize;

                // invalid page requested, go back to page one
                if (start > fullSize)
                    start = 0;

                end = start + this.pagesize;

            // rowNumber starts from 1
            filteredRows = new LongRange(start + 1, end);
            filteredRows = new LongRange(1, Long.MAX_VALUE);

        this.tableIterator = IteratorUtils.getIterator(this.list);

     * Is the current row included in the "to-be-evaluated" range? Called by 
nested ColumnTags. If <code>false</code>
     * column body is skipped.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the current row must be evaluated because 
is included in output or because is
     * included in sorting.
    protected boolean isIncludedRow()
        return ((Range) filteredRows).containsLong(this.rowNumber);

     * Create a complete string for compatibility with previous version before 
expression evaluation. This approach is
     * optimized for new expressions, not for previous property/scope 
     * @return Expression composed by scope + name + property
    private String getFullObjectName()
        // only evaluate if needed, else preserve original list
        if (this.name == null)
            return null;

        StringBuffer fullName = new StringBuffer(30);

        // append scope
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(this.scope))
            fullName.append(this.scope).append("Scope."); //$NON-NLS-1$

        // base bean name

        // append property
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(this.property))

        return fullName.toString();

     * init the href object used to generate all the links for pagination, 
sorting, exporting.
     * @param requestHelper request helper used to extract the base Href
    protected void initHref(RequestHelper requestHelper)
        // get the href for this request
        Href normalHref = requestHelper.getHref();

        if (this.excludedParams != null)
            String[] splittedExcludedParams = 

            // handle * keyword
            if (splittedExcludedParams.length == 1 && 
                // @todo cleanup: paramEncoder initialization should not be 
done here
                if (this.paramEncoder == null)
                    this.paramEncoder = new ParamEncoder(getUid());

                Iterator paramsIterator = 
                while (paramsIterator.hasNext())
                    String key = (String) paramsIterator.next();

                    // don't remove parameters added by the table tag
                    if (!this.paramEncoder.isParameterEncoded(key))
                for (int j = 0; j < splittedExcludedParams.length; j++)

        if (this.requestUri != null)
            // if user has added a requestURI create a new href
            String fullURI = requestUri;
            if (!this.dontAppendContext)
                String contextPath = ((HttpServletRequest) 

                // prepend the context path if any.
                // actually checks if context path is already there for people 
which manually add it
                if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(contextPath)
                    && requestUri != null
                    && requestUri.startsWith("/")
                    && !requestUri.startsWith(contextPath))
                    fullURI = contextPath + this.requestUri;

            // call encodeURL to preserve session id when cookies are disabled
            fullURI = ((HttpServletResponse) 
            this.baseHref = new Href(fullURI);

            // ... and copy parameters from the current request
            Map parameterMap = normalHref.getParameterMap();
            // simply copy href
            this.baseHref = normalHref;

     * Draw the table. This is where everything happens, we figure out what 
values we are supposed to be showing, we
     * figure out how we are supposed to be showing them, then we draw them.
     * @return int
     * @throws JspException generic exception
     * @see javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag#doEndTag()
    public int doEndTag() throws JspException

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("[" + getUid() + "] doEndTag called");

        if (!this.doAfterBodyExecuted)
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("[" + getUid() + "] tag body is empty.");

            // first row (created in doStartTag)
            if (this.currentRow != null)
                // if yes add to table model and remove

            // other rows
            while (this.tableIterator.hasNext())
                Object iteratedObject = this.tableIterator.next();

                // Row object for Cell values
                this.currentRow = new Row(iteratedObject, this.rowNumber);


        // if no rows are defined automatically get all properties from bean
        if (this.tableModel.isEmpty())

        TableDecorator tableDecorator = 

        if (tableDecorator != null)
            tableDecorator.init(this.pageContext, this.list);


        // Figure out how we should sort this data, typically we just sort
        // the data being shown, but the programmer can override this behavior

        if (!this.tableModel.isSortFullTable())

        // Get the data back in the representation that the user is after, do 
they want HTML/XML/CSV/EXCEL/etc...
        int returnValue = EVAL_PAGE;

        // check for nested tables
        Object previousMediaType = 
        if (MediaTypeEnum.HTML.equals(this.currentMediaType)
            && (previousMediaType == null || 
        else if (!MediaTypeEnum.HTML.equals(this.currentMediaType))
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("[" + getUid() + "] doEndTag - exporting");

            returnValue = doExport();

        // do not remove media attribute! if the table is nested in other 
tables this is still needed
        // this.pageContext.removeAttribute(PAGE_ATTRIBUTE_MEDIA);

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("[" + getUid() + "] doEndTag - end");

        return returnValue;

     * clean up instance variables, but not the ones representing tag 
    private void cleanUp()
        // reset instance variables (non attributes)
        this.currentMediaType = null;
        this.baseHref = null;
        this.caption = null;
        this.currentRow = null;
        this.doAfterBodyExecuted = false;
        this.footer = null;
        this.listHelper = null;
        this.nextRow = null;
        this.pageNumber = 0;
        this.paramEncoder = null;
        this.previousRow = null;
        this.properties = null;
        this.rowNumber = 1;
        this.tableIterator = null;
        this.tableModel = null;
        this.list = null;

     * If no columns are provided, automatically add them from bean properties. 
Get the first object in the list and get
     * all the properties (except the "class" property which is automatically 
skipped). Of course this isn't possible
     * for empty lists.
    private void describeEmptyTable()
        this.tableIterator = IteratorUtils.getIterator(this.list);

        if (this.tableIterator.hasNext())
            Object iteratedObject = this.tableIterator.next();
            Map objectProperties = new HashMap();

            // if it's a String don't add the "Bytes" column
            if (iteratedObject instanceof String)
            // if it's a map already use key names for column headers
            if (iteratedObject instanceof Map)
                objectProperties = (Map) iteratedObject;
                    objectProperties = BeanUtils.describe(iteratedObject);
                catch (Exception e)
                    log.warn("Unable to automatically add columns: " + 
e.getMessage(), e);

            // iterator on properties names
            Iterator propertiesIterator = objectProperties.keySet().iterator();

            while (propertiesIterator.hasNext())
                // get the property name
                String propertyName = (String) propertiesIterator.next();

                // dont't want to add the standard "class" property
                if (!"class".equals(propertyName)) //$NON-NLS-1$
                    // creates a new header and add to the table model
                    HeaderCell headerCell = new HeaderCell();

                    // handle title i18n


     * Called when data are not displayed in a html page but should be exported.
     * @return int SKIP_PAGE
     * @throws JspException generic exception
    protected int doExport() throws JspException

        boolean exportFullList = this.properties.getExportFullList();

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("[" + getUid() + "] currentMediaType=" + 

        boolean exportHeader = 
        boolean exportDecorated = this.properties.getExportDecorated();

        ExportView exportView = ExportViewFactory.getInstance().getView(

        catch (IOException e)
            throw new WrappedRuntimeException(getClass(), e);

        return SKIP_PAGE;

     * Will write the export. The default behavior is to write directly to the 
response. If the ResponseOverrideFilter
     * is configured for this request, will instead write the exported content 
to a map in the Request object.
     * @param exportView export view
     * @throws JspException for problem in clearing the response or for invalid 
export views
     * @throws IOException exception thrown when writing content to the response
    protected void writeExport(ExportView exportView) throws IOException, 
        String filename = properties.getExportFileName(this.currentMediaType);

        HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) 
        HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) 

        Map bean = (Map) request.getAttribute(FILTER_CONTENT_OVERRIDE_BODY);
        boolean usingFilter = bean != null;

        String mimeType = exportView.getMimeType();
        // original encoding, be sure to add it back after reset()
        String characterEncoding = response.getCharacterEncoding();

        if (usingFilter)
            if (!bean.containsKey(TableTagParameters.BEAN_BUFFER))
                // We are running under the export filter, call it
                log.debug("Exportfilter enabled in unbuffered mode, setting 
                // We are running under the export filter in buffered mode
                bean.put(TableTagParameters.BEAN_CONTENTTYPE, mimeType);
                bean.put(TableTagParameters.BEAN_FILENAME, filename);

                if (exportView instanceof TextExportView)
                    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
                    ((TextExportView) exportView).doExport(writer);
                    bean.put(TableTagParameters.BEAN_BODY, writer.toString());
                else if (exportView instanceof BinaryExportView)
                    ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    ((BinaryExportView) exportView).doExport(stream);

                    throw new JspTagException("Export view "
                        + exportView.getClass().getName()
                        + " must implement TextExportView or BinaryExportView");

            log.debug("Exportfilter NOT enabled");
            // response can't be already committed at this time
            if (response.isCommitted())
                throw new ExportException(getClass());

            catch (Exception e)
                throw new ExportException(getClass());

        if (!usingFilter && characterEncoding != null && 
mimeType.indexOf("charset") == -1) //$NON-NLS-1$
            mimeType += "; charset=" + characterEncoding; //$NON-NLS-1$


        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(filename))
            response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", //$NON-NLS-1$
                "attachment; filename=\"" + filename + "\""); //$NON-NLS-1$ 

        if (exportView instanceof TextExportView)
            Writer writer;
            if (usingFilter)
                writer = response.getWriter();
                writer = pageContext.getOut();

            ((TextExportView) exportView).doExport(writer);
        else if (exportView instanceof BinaryExportView)
            // dealing with binary content
            // note that this is not assured to work on any application server 
if the filter is not enabled. According
            // to the jsp specs response.getOutputStream() should no be called 
in jsps.
            throw new JspTagException("Export view "
                + exportView.getClass().getName()
                + " must implement TextExportView or BinaryExportView");

        log.debug("Export completed");


     * This sets the list of all of the data that will be displayed on the page 
via the table tag. This might include
     * just a subset of the total data in the list due to to paging being 
active, or the user asking us to just show a
     * subset, etc...
    protected void setupViewableData()

        // If the user has changed the way our default behavior works, then we 
need to look for it now, and resort
        // things if needed before we ask for the viewable part. (this is a bad 
place for this, this should be
        // refactored and moved somewhere else).

        if (this.tableModel.isSortFullTable())
            // Sort the total list...

        Object originalData = this.tableModel.getRowListFull();

        // If they have asked for a subset of the list via the length
        // attribute, then only fetch those items out of the master list.
        List fullList = CollectionUtil.getListFromObject(originalData, 
this.offset, this.length);

        int pageOffset = this.offset;
        // If they have asked for just a page of the data, then use the
        // SmartListHelper to figure out what page they are after, etc...
        if (this.pagesize > 0)
            this.listHelper = new SmartListHelper(fullList, fullList.size(), 
this.pagesize, this.properties);
            pageOffset = this.listHelper.getFirstIndexForCurrentPage();
            fullList = this.listHelper.getListForCurrentPage();


     * called when data have to be displayed in a html page.
     * @throws JspException generic exception
    private void writeHTMLData() throws JspException
        JspWriter out = this.pageContext.getOut();

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("[" + getUid() + "] getHTMLData called for table [" + 
getUid() + "]");

        boolean noItems = this.tableModel.getRowListPage().size() == 0;

        if (noItems && !this.properties.getEmptyListShowTable())
            write(this.properties.getEmptyListMessage(), out);

        // variables to hold the previous row columns values.
        this.previousRow = new Hashtable(10);

        // variables to hold next row column values.
        this.nextRow = new Hashtable(10);

        // Put the page stuff there if it needs to be there...
        if (this.properties.getAddPagingBannerTop())
            // search result and navigation bar

        String css = this.properties.getCssTable();
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(css))

        // open table
        write(getOpenTag(), out);

        // caption
        if (this.caption != null)
            write(this.caption, out);

        // thead
        if (this.properties.getShowHeader())

        if (this.footer != null)
            write(TagConstants.TAG_TFOOTER_OPEN, out);
            write(this.footer, out);
            write(TagConstants.TAG_TFOOTER_CLOSE, out);
            // reset footer
            this.footer = null;

        // open table body
        write(TagConstants.TAG_TBODY_OPEN, out);

        // write table body

        // close table body
        write(TagConstants.TAG_TBODY_CLOSE, out);

        // close table
        write(getCloseTag(), out);


        if (this.tableModel.getTableDecorator() != null)

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("[" + getUid() + "] getHTMLData end");

     * Generates the table header, including the first row of the table which 
displays the titles of the columns.
    private void writeTableHeader()
        JspWriter out = this.pageContext.getOut();

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("[" + getUid() + "] getTableHeader called");

        // open thead
        write(TagConstants.TAG_THEAD_OPEN, out);

        // open tr
        write(TagConstants.TAG_TR_OPEN, out);

        // no columns?
        if (this.tableModel.isEmpty())
            write(TagConstants.TAG_TH_OPEN, out);
            write(TagConstants.TAG_TH_CLOSE, out);

        // iterator on columns for header
        Iterator iterator = this.tableModel.getHeaderCellList().iterator();

        while (iterator.hasNext())
            // get the header cell
            HeaderCell headerCell = (HeaderCell) iterator.next();

            if (headerCell.getSortable())
                String cssSortable = this.properties.getCssSortable();

            // if sorted add styles
            if (headerCell.isAlreadySorted())
                // sorted css class

                // sort order css class

            // append th with html attributes
            write(headerCell.getHeaderOpenTag(), out);

            // title
            String header = headerCell.getTitle();

            // column is sortable, create link
            if (headerCell.getSortable())
                // creates the link for sorting
                Anchor anchor = new Anchor(getSortingHref(headerCell), header);

                // append to buffer
                header = anchor.toString();

            write(header, out);
            write(headerCell.getHeaderCloseTag(), out);

        // close tr
        write(TagConstants.TAG_TR_CLOSE, out);

        // close thead
        write(TagConstants.TAG_THEAD_CLOSE, out);

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("[" + getUid() + "] getTableHeader end");

     * Generates the link to be added to a column header for sorting.
     * @param headerCell header cell the link should be added to
     * @return Href for sorting
    private Href getSortingHref(HeaderCell headerCell)
        // costruct Href from base href, preserving parameters
        Href href = new Href(this.baseHref);

        // add column number as link parameter

        boolean nowOrderAscending = !(headerCell.isAlreadySorted() && 

        int sortOrderParam = nowOrderAscending ? 
SortOrderEnum.ASCENDING.getCode() : SortOrderEnum.DESCENDING.getCode();

        // If user want to sort the full table I need to reset the page number.
        if (this.tableModel.isSortFullTable())
href.addParameter(encodeParameter(TableTagParameters.PARAMETER_PAGE), 1);

        return href;

     * This takes a column value and grouping index as the argument. It then 
groups the column and returns the
     * appropriate string back to the caller.
     * @param value String
     * @param group int
     * @return String
    private String groupColumns(String value, int group)

        if ((group == 1) && this.nextRow.size() > 0)
            // we are at the begining of the next row so copy the contents from 
nextRow to the previousRow.

        if (!this.nextRow.containsKey(new Integer(group)))
            // Key not found in the nextRow so adding this key now...
            // remember all the old values.
            this.nextRow.put(new Integer(group), value);

        // Start comparing the value we received, along with the grouping index.
        // if no matching value is found in the previous row then return the 
        // if a matching value is found then this value should not get printed 
        // so return an empty String
        if (this.previousRow.containsKey(new Integer(group)))
            for (int j = 1; j <= group; j++)

                if (!((String) this.previousRow.get(new 
Integer(j))).equals((this.nextRow.get(new Integer(j)))))
                    // no match found so return this value back to the caller.
                    return value;

        // This is used, for when there is no data in the previous row,
        // It gets used only the first time.
        if (this.previousRow.size() == 0)
            return value;

        // There is corresponding value in the previous row
        // this value doesn't need to be printed, return an empty String
        return TagConstants.EMPTY_STRING;

     * Writes the table body content.
     * @throws ObjectLookupException for errors in looking up properties in 
     * @throws DecoratorException for errors returned by decorators
    private void writeTableBody() throws ObjectLookupException, 
        JspWriter out = this.pageContext.getOut();

        // Ok, start bouncing through our list (only the visible part)
        RowIterator rowIterator = this.tableModel.getRowIterator(false);

        // iterator on rows
        while (rowIterator.hasNext())
            Row row = rowIterator.next();
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("[" + getUid() + "] rowIterator.next()=" + row);
            if (this.tableModel.getTableDecorator() != null)
                String stringStartRow = 
                if (stringStartRow != null)
                    write(stringStartRow, out);

            // open tr
            write(row.getOpenTag(), out);

            // iterator on columns
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("[" + getUid() + "] creating ColumnIterator on " + 
            ColumnIterator columnIterator = 

            while (columnIterator.hasNext())
                Column column = columnIterator.nextColumn();

                // Get the value to be displayed for the column
                write(column.getOpenTag(), out);
                String value = column.getChoppedAndLinkedValue();

                // check if column is grouped
                if (column.getGroup() != -1)
                    value = this.groupColumns(value, column.getGroup());

                // add column value
                write(value, out);
                write(column.getCloseTag(), out);

            // no columns?
            if (this.tableModel.isEmpty())
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("[" + getUid() + "] table has no columns");
                write(TagConstants.TAG_TD_OPEN, out);
                write(row.getObject().toString(), out);
                write(TagConstants.TAG_TD_CLOSE, out);

            // close tr
            write(row.getCloseTag(), out);

            if (this.tableModel.getTableDecorator() != null)
                String endRow = this.tableModel.getTableDecorator().finishRow();
                if (endRow != null)
                    write(endRow, out);

        if (this.tableModel.getRowListPage().size() == 0)
            write(MessageFormat.format(properties.getEmptyListRowMessage(), new 
Object[]{new Integer(this.tableModel
                .getNumberOfColumns())}), out);

     * Generates table footer with links for export commands.
    private void writeTableFooter()
        // Put the page stuff there if it needs to be there...
        if (this.properties.getAddPagingBannerBottom())

        // add export links (only if the table is not empty)
        if (this.export && this.tableModel.getRowListPage().size() != 0)

     * generates the search result and navigation bar.
    private void writeSearchResultAndNavigation()
        if (this.pagesize != 0 && this.listHelper != null)
            // create a new href
            Href navigationHref = new Href(this.baseHref);


     * Writes the formatted export links section.
    private void writeExportLinks()
        // Figure out what formats they want to export, make up a little string
        Href exportHref = new Href(this.baseHref);

        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(200);
        Iterator iterator = MediaTypeEnum.iterator();

        while (iterator.hasNext())
            MediaTypeEnum currentExportType = (MediaTypeEnum) iterator.next();

            if (this.properties.getAddExport(currentExportType))

                if (buffer.length() > 0)


                // export marker

                Anchor anchor = new Anchor(exportHref, 

        String[] exportOptions = {buffer.toString()};

     * Called by the setProperty tag to override some default behavior or text 
     * @param propertyName String property name
     * @param propertyValue String property value
    public void setProperty(String propertyName, String propertyValue)
        this.properties.setProperty(propertyName, propertyValue);

     * @see javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag#release()
    public void release()

        // tag attributes
        this.decoratorName = null;
        this.defaultSortedColumn = -1;
        this.defaultSortOrder = null;
        this.export = false;
        this.length = 0;
        this.listAttribute = null;
        this.name = null;
        this.offset = 0;
        this.pagesize = 0;
        this.property = null;
        this.requestUri = null;
        this.dontAppendContext = false;
        this.scope = null;
        this.sortFullTable = null;
        this.excludedParams = null;
        this.filteredRows = null;
        this.uid = null;

     * Returns the name.
     * @return String
    public String getName()
        return this.name;

     * encode a parameter name to be unique in the page using ParamEncoder.
     * @param parameterName parameter name to encode
     * @return String encoded parameter name
    private String encodeParameter(String parameterName)
        // paramEncoder has been already instantiated?
        if (this.paramEncoder == null)
            // use the id attribute to get the unique identifier
            this.paramEncoder = new ParamEncoder(getUid());

        return this.paramEncoder.encodeParameterName(parameterName);

why not access
currentRow from TableTag


> From: chris.cranf...@setech.com
> To: user@struts.apache.org
> Subject: RE: Get single value from a row with displaytag and struts 2
> Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2015 22:27:28 +0000
> It sounds to me like you're submitting the row object rather than the ID of 
> the object for which you want to operation upon.
> The following example should work:
> <display:table name="notifications" uid="tableListUid">
>   <display:column>
>     <s:form action="acknowledgeDocumentNotification">
>       <s:hidden name="documentId" value="%{#tableListUid.documentId}"/>
>       <s:submit key="button.submit"/>
>     </s:form>
>   </display:column>
> </display:table>
> The above code gets the document id from the uid specified and uses it as a 
> hidden value in the form submission. There are other neat way to avoid having 
> a form per row, but this is simple enough.
> Your acknowledgeDocumentNotification action should then only receive the 
> documentId parameter with the row's document id as the only input value.
> Thanks,
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christoph Nenning [mailto:christoph.nenn...@lex-com.net] 
> Sent: Monday, June 08, 2015 5:50 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Get single value from a row with displaytag and struts 2
> > From: Álex Basoa <axis...@gmail.com>
> > To: user@struts.apache.org,
> > Date: 03.06.2015 09:33
> > Subject: Get single value from a row with displaytag and struts 2
> > 
> > i have a table wich works perfect made with struts 2 and displaytag
> > 
> >         <display:table name="session.listaNotificaciones" 
> excludedParams="*"
> >                    requestURI="navegarNuevoEnvio.action" 
> class="tablacoin"
> >                    summary="Listado de Notificaciones" cellspacing="0"
> > cellpadding="0"
> >                    uid="listaContatosTable">
> > 
> > 
> >         <display:column title="Estado" sortProperty="estado_Nue"
> >                                 sortable="false"
> > headerClass="sortable" defaultorder="descending"
> >                                 style="width:12% ;color:red">
> > 
> >                     <s:property
> > 
> > value="%
> > {@registradores.utiles.enumerados.EstadoTramite@convertirTexto
> > (#attr.listaContatosTable.estado_Nue)}"
> > />
> > 
> >                 </display:column>
> > 
> > 
> >         <display:column title="Archivo"  headerClass="sortable"
> > sortable="false" defaultorder="descending"
> >                         style="width:12% ;color:black">
> >             <s:hidden key="estado"
> > value="%{#attr.listaContatosTable.estado_Nue}" />
> >             <s:submit id="botonNotificacion" value="Notificación"
> >                       cssClass="boton"
> > onclick="enviarA('descargarDocumentoNotificacionAcuse.action')"/>
> >         </display:column>
> > 
> > The problem is that i have declared in the action
> > 
> >     private String estado;
> > 
> > And i get all values from estado_Nue, but i only need the value wich i
> have
> > "clicked"
> > 
> > Thx for all your help
> hi,
> not sure if i understand what the problem is. You get all items of a list 
> posted when you submit your form? How does the html look like? What form 
> elements are generated by display?
> regards,
> Christoph
> This Email was scanned by Sophos Anti Virus
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