> From: zy...@hotmail.com
> To: user@struts.apache.org
> Subject: OGNL error --- Unexpected Exception caught setting ... on 
> 'class.........
> Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2015 19:42:36 -0400
>  Have a Publisher class with attributes
> Publisher --->class
> name
> code
> Action class
> private String[] publisherName;             //why is this an Array of String 
> instead of String publisherName;    
MG>where are you setting the publisherName?.......... in constructor of Action 

> List<Publisher> publishers= new ArrayList<Publisher>();
> getters and setters for the same too in it.
>               <sj:autocompleter
> id="publisherNameId"
> name="publisherName"
> list="%{publishers}"
> listValue="name"
> listKey="code"
> listLabel="code"
> selectBox="true"
> selectBoxIcon="true"
> key="label.publisherName"
> onChangeTopics="publisherNameChange"
> onFocusTopics="publisherNameFocus"
> onSelectTopics="publisherNameSelect"
> size="34"
> maxlength="34"
> />
MG>where is your subscribe javascript function?
> When I don't select anything in autocompleter and submit the form seeing this 
> in console
> Unexpected Exception caught setting 'publisherName' on 'class 
> com.xxx.createAction: Error setting expression 'publisherName' with value 
> ['', ]
> when I select something in autocompleter and submit the form seeing this in 
> console
> Unexpected Exception caught setting 'publisherName' on 'class 
> com.xxx.createAction: Error setting expression 'publisherName' with value 
> ['macode2', ]
> Unexpected Exception caught setting 'publisherName_widget' on 'class 
> com.xxx.createAction: Error setting expression 'publisherName_widget' with 
> value ['macode2', ]

MG>Looks like corruption of values for variables publisherName and 
MG>can you get a senior guy from your team to oversee what you're doing?
> Is this the right way to declare in the Action class for autocompleter?
MG>if none of your action variables are populated then the answer would be no

> Please need help on this.

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