Have jquery tabbed panel in a jsp page which has a button to Save the form in 
the tabbed panel which is making an ajax call and is working fine.

Now trying to implement the session management for all requests in the 
application and imlemented the new interceptor to perform the same. Having 
issue with session management with the ajax calls. Have the below package for 
ajax requests in which configured the new interceptor created and the default 
interceptor. But, the below is not redirecting to the login page instead 
opening the popup with login page html in it. what am I missing here?

<package name="ajax-default" extends="json-default" namespace="/ajax">


<interceptor class="com.xxx.LoginInterceptor" name="loginInterceptor">


<interceptor-stack name="appDefaultStack">

<interceptor-ref name="loginInterceptor" />

<interceptor-ref name="defaultStack" />



<default-interceptor-ref name="appDefaultStack"></default-interceptor-ref>

<action name="saveAJAXAction" class="com.xxx.descAction" method="saveDesc">

<result type="json" name="success">

<param name="noCache">true</param>

<param name="excludeNUllProperties">true</param>

<param name="root">jsonResult</param>


<result name="login" type="redirectAction">

<param name="actionName">appLogin</param>

<param name="namespace">/</param>





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