2016-07-19 10:55 GMT+02:00 Sreekanth S. Nair <sreekanth.n...@egovernments.org>:
> Hi Christoph,
>                        Thanks for your detailed explanation, even though
> its a huge change for application to move from both slf4j and log4j1 to
> Log4j2, lets assume we moved all to Log4j2 but if the underlying
> application server eg: Jboss or wildfly have its own wrapper implementation
> for their logging with log4j1, which will print application generated log
> using stdout (This is what we have noticed after struts2 upgrade). Lets
> assume we turned off logging subsystem from Jboss and used Log4js
>  log4j2.xml which gives less flexibility (changing threshold on the fly)
> wrt logging in different environment when we compare to jboss one.
> These all are our concern, we really doubt upgrading struts2, if log is
> directing to stdout. Please let us know if anyone have any thought
> regarding this or anyone successfully upgraded without stdout logging in
> Wildfly or Jboss 6.

As far I know/understand JBoss is using repackaged version of SLF4J
and it should be manner of configuration to allow both logging
frameworks to cooperate

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