> Hi all,
> I joined a project recently that makes use of Struts 2, and was tasked
> with enabling internationalisation for it. I'm completely new to the
> framework, and the project has organically grown over the years -
> which means the project has a multitude of interceptors and chains
> configured (some interceptors even seem to be called more than once by
> the same chain), which might interfere with each other. So please bear
> with me.
> After spending some time bringing the project to the latest version of
> Struts (and dealing with several breaking changes, mostly on the
> Struts tags level), I have added the I18nInterceptor, as described on
> [1] and added the following two parameters to it:
> parameterName=language
> localeStorage=session
> Our resource bundle has an English default and a "de" properties file.
> I also set ParametersInterceptor's excludeParams to "language" as per
> [2], to avoid getting errors about my actions not having a "language"
> setter. (For some reason, that appeared in the log, where I would have
> expected it, albeit not as an ERROR, and on the page itself, which
> prompted me to disable it.) Was that the right thing to do, or
> superfluous?
> When I set my "default" browser language to German, and call the page,
> it loads the German text all right (so L10n of text works).
> When I append the page's URL by ?language=en, it switches back to
> English, which is great.
> Sadly. this only seems to work exactly once per session. When I then
> try to call ?language=de again, it stays English.
> That's problem number one.
> Problem number two is that I would prefer the interceptor to not check
> the accept header, i.e. to ignore the browser.
> Part of the reason is that the project owners always want to display
> English, unless another language is explicitly chosen via URL
> parameter. But mainly, we use number and date parsing in a lot of
> places, and that depends on a British locale (i.e. en_GB, or de_GB;
> the JS front-end doesn't check the user's locale, and calendar widgets
> etc. all use British formats). A colleague of mine accessed the test
> server after we had enabled the interceptor, and his browser had en_US
> set as the first language in his accept header. Let's just say it
> didn't go well, because our app didn't know what to make of the 12th
> day of the 31st month anno 2017... (Ideally, we'd go for full g11n,
> i.e. i18n of everything, not just text messages, but we won't have
> time for it for the foreseeable future. Instead, for the immediate
> future, we'd like maybe to extend the interceptor to only accept
> locales from a predefined list (forcing the country to GB) - or only
> use the locale for getText() [3] and nothing else...) Is there a
> (fairly straightforward) way to disable the accept header fallback?
> Last but not least, I have been unable to get debug output from either
> of the two interceptors mentioned [4]...
> I'd really appreciate if anyone could nudge me into the right
> direction - especially regarding the "works once, but only once"
> problem.
> Kind regards,
> Christian
> P.S.: If all else fails, I thought I might try to use a custom-made
> language switch similar to [5]...?
> 1) https://struts.apache.org/docs/i18n-interceptor.html
> 2) https://struts.apache.org/docs/parameters-interceptor.html
> 3) https://struts.apache.org/docs/localization.html
> 4) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45065459/how-do-i-configure-
> log4j-to-log-messages-for-a-package-below-the-rootloggers-lo
> 5) https://www.mkyong.com/struts/struts-internationalizing-or-
> localization-example/
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> I also set ParametersInterceptor's excludeParams to "language" as per
> [2], to avoid getting errors about my actions not having a "language"
> setter. (For some reason, that appeared in the log, where I would have
> expected it, albeit not as an ERROR, and on the page itself, which
> prompted me to disable it.) Was that the right thing to do, or
> superfluous?

Such messages appear on pages when struts devMode is enabled. Thats great 
for development but should be disabled for production.

See https://struts.apache.org/docs/devmode.html

The docs of I18nInterceptor say default value of parameterName is 
"request_locale" and that one is in ParametersInterceptor's excludeParams 
by default. As you changed I18nInterceptor's parameterName it makes sense 
to put your new value in ParametersInterceptor's excludeParams, too.

> Sadly. this only seems to work exactly once per session. When I then
> try to call ?language=de again, it stays English.
> That's problem number one.

Your obvious choices are to use the other storage mechanism (cookie) or 
not store locale at all. In that case your app must add parameter 
"request_locale" in each request (GET and POST).

After a short look at I18nInterceptor's code I don't think this behavior 
is intended. It might be that your app has special circumstances to 
trigger such behavior or it might be a struts bug. Please try to debug 
that case or enable logging (see below).

> Is there a
> (fairly straightforward) way to disable the accept header fallback?

That is implemented in class Dispatcher. The way to override it is to 
configure a struts default locale. You can do that e.g. in struts.xml or 
struts.properties with key "struts.locale".

See https://struts.apache.org/docs/constant-configuration.html

> Last but not least, I have been unable to get debug output from either
> of the two interceptors mentioned [4]...

I18nInterceptor logs a lot on level DEBUG. It's full classname is 

How debug logging is enabled depends on your logging library. For log4j1 
you could put this in your log4j.properties:


For log4j2 it would be:

<Logger name="log4j.logger.org.apache.struts2.interceptor.I18nInterceptor" 


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