What encoding type are you using?  it’s possible that part of the issue is that 
you’re submitting a multi-part form and it’s being caught up by an existing bug 

- adam
Adam Brin
Director of Technology, Digital Antiquity

> On Aug 1, 2017, at 6:42 AM, sharmila thota <t.sharm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Good Morning!
> We migrated our application recently to
> struts, now I see a problem with one of the JSP which is not
> submitting the form (not reaching action class). Please help me out.
> *here is my struts.xml configuration for the same:*
> <action name="correctionapplyFunding"
>          class="com.fund.action.CorrectionsAction" method="applyFund">
>             <result name="reFunding">/WEB-INF/jsps/q6/Q6New.jsp</result>
> </action>
> *Action class method:*
> public String applyFund() throws Exception {
> .........
> ......
> return "refunding";
> }
> *jsp coding:*
> <s:submit name="submit" id="applyFundingButton"
>         value="ReApplyFunding"
>         class="pure-button pure-button-primary"
>         action="correctionapplyFunding">
> </s:submit>
> Thanks
> Sharmila

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