On 5/24/2018 6:43 PM, Doug Breaux wrote:
> I'm not sure if I misunderstood the threading here, or just missed this test 
> case, but this one does seem to run the same on IBM Java 8:
> java TestForStruts2
> COPY ME 1: class java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedKeySet
> COPY ME 2: public abstract int java.util.AbstractCollection.size()
> COPY ME 3: 0

But freemarker claims "Java method "AbstractCollection.size()" threw an
exception when invoked on LinkedHashMap$LinkedKeySet object "[]"; see
cause exception in the Java stack trace" and Java stack trace in JSP
exception says "Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError:
java/util/AbstractCollection.size()I". Maybe that JSP exception isn't
for that freemarker exception but it's an unlikely guess from me.

> I do have some IBM Java folks able to look at the issue, BTW. At least one of 
> them pointed at this a potentially related, but beyond me to know if it could 
> be:
> https://github.com/eclipse/openj9/pull/1892

Maybe. I see freemarker search superclasses for methods because class
LinkedHashMap$LinkedKeySet is private. I'm not sure or check if it
always find more specific method!


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