Hi thanks for reaching out!

I don't remember and should check that your desired behavior used to work or 
not but as a quick answer I think you're looking for Class wide conversion [1] 
e.g. @TypeConversion(type = ConversionType.APPLICATION, property = 
"java.util.Date", DateConverter.class)?


[1] https://struts.apache.org/core-developers/type-conversion-annotation.html

On 2021/04/25 20:02:47, M Huzaifah <mhuzaifah.i...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> Hy guys,
> i found somethin strange with StrutsTypeConverter.
> let say i have a converter like this:
> //------------------ begin DateConverter class ---------------
> import java.text.ParseException;
> import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
> import java.util.Date;
> import java.util.Map;
> import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
> import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
> import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
> import org.apache.struts2.util.StrutsTypeConverter;
> public class DateConverter extends StrutsTypeConverter {
>       private  String shortDateFormat;
>       @PostConstruct
>       public void loadFormat() {
>               this.shortDateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy";
>       }
>       @SuppressWarnings("unused")
>       @Override
>       public Object convertFromString(Map arg0, String[] arg1, Class arg2) {
>               System.out.println("begin converter");
>               if(ArrayUtils.isEmpty(arg1) || StringUtils.isEmpty(arg1[0])) {
>                       return null;
>               }
>               Date date = null;
>               try {
>                       //cek kalo formatnya dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss
>                       if(arg1[0].contains(" ")) {
>                               this.shortDateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss";
>                               date = new 
> SimpleDateFormat(shortDateFormat).parse(arg1[0]);
>                       }else {
>                               date = new 
> SimpleDateFormat(shortDateFormat).parse(arg1[0]);
>                       }
>               }catch (ParseException e) {
>                       System.out.println("DateConverter StrutsTypeConverter 
> gagal parsing date;");
>                       e.printStackTrace();
>               }
>               System.out.println("end converter");
>               return date;
>       }
>       @Override
>       public String convertToString(Map arg0, Object arg1) {
>               System.out.println("begin converter to string");
>               if(arg1 instanceof Date) {
>                       System.out.println("end converter to string");
>                       return new 
> SimpleDateFormat(shortDateFormat).format((Date) arg1);
>               }
>               System.out.println("end converter to string");
>               return StringUtils.EMPTY;
>       }
> }
> //------------------ end DateConverter class ---------------
> and in my action class, i have 2 property. one of them is Date type. and 
> other one is Pojo which one of that Pojo property have a Date type. so my 
> action look like this
> //------------------ begin MasterPatienAction class ---------------
> @Namespace("/patient")
> @ParentPackage("app-default")
> @Conversion(conversions = {
>               @TypeConversion(key = "birthDate", converterClass = 
> DateConverter.class)
> })
> public class MasterPatientAction extends BaseAction {
>       /**
>        * 
>        */
>       private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
>       private static transient Logger log = 
> Logger.getLogger(MasterPatientAction.class);
>       Patient patient;
>       List<Patient> listPatient;
>       Date birthDate;
>       @Action(value = "init", results = {
>                       @Result(name = "success", location = 
> "/pages/pasient-main.jsp"),
>                       @Result(name = "error", location = 
> "/pages/pasient-main.jsp"),
>                       @Result(name = "input", location = 
> "/pages/pasient-main.jsp")
>       })
>       public String init() {
>               log.info("begin execute method init");
>               log.info("end execute method init");
>               return SUCCESS;
>       }
>       @Action(value = "search", results = {
>                       @Result(name = "success", location = 
> "/pages/pasient-main.jsp"),
>                       @Result(name = "error", location = 
> "/pages/pasient-main.jsp"),
>                       @Result(name = "input", location = 
> "/pages/pasient-main.jsp")
>       })
>       public String search() {
>               log.info("begin execute method search");
>               if(birthDate!=null) {
>                       patient.setPatientBirthDate(birthDate);
>               }
>               try {
>                       listPasien = service.search(patient);
>               } catch (DnaException e) {
>                       setMessageError("error caused : "+e.getMessage());
>                       return ERROR;
>               }
>               log.info("end execute method search");
>               return SUCCESS;
>       }
>       //--setter getter
> }
> //------------------ end MasterPatienAction class ---------------
> let say my pojo like this:
> //------------------ begin Patient pojo class ---------------
> public class Patient {
>       private integer patientId;
>       private String patientName;
>       private String patientCode;
>       private Date patientBirthDate;
>       //setter and getter goes here
> }
> //------------------ end Patient pojo class ---------------
> for the first case, in my JSP, i use struts tag :
> <s:textfield name="birthDate" class="form-control form-control-sm text-md 
> datepicker" placeholder="Birth Date dd/MM/yyyy"/>
> until here, i dont have a problem with it. i can convert my date string (with 
> format dd/MM/yyyy e.g 20/01/2021) from JSP to the action class with this step:
> 1. request /patient/init (to show jsp)
> 2. insert value in text field with format dd/MM/yyyy e.g 20/01/2021
> 3. submit with action to /patient/search
> 4. in action class date converted successful on search method
> 5. return success from action class
> 6. text birthDate still the same (e.g 20/01/2021)
> here the second case, when i want to convert my date type in my Pojo
> so, i change my typeConversion key to : patient.patientBirthDate and also in 
> my textfield tag on JSP i change name to patient.patientBirthDate. so this is 
> what i change:
> 1. change key in TypeConvertion annotation to key = "patient.patientBirthDate"
> 2. change textfield tag in jsp to <s:textfield 
> name="patient.patientBirthDate" />
> when i follow step in first case:
> 1. request /patient/init (to show jsp)
> 2. insert value in text field with format dd/MM/yyyy e.g "20/01/2021"
> 3. submit with action to /patient/search
> 4. in action class date converted successfull
> 5. return success from action class
> 6. but my textfield with name patient.patientBirthDate in JSP change to 
> "1/20/21" (the value should not change. it should be "20/01/2021") also in my 
> console i dont see "begin converter to string" printed which i put in 
> convertToString method in converter class.
> i use <struts-version>2.5.22</struts-version>
> could someone explain to me and how can i fix it.
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