I am using the s:select tag and filling it with a List<String> - pretty
basic.  However, I am wanting to change the value that is displayed by
adding a character before the String, but I can't figure out how to
reference the item itself (since it's not an object with properties).

The code below takes a List<String> mergeFieldCodes with values like:
["ExecutionDate", "FinanceDate", "ClosingDate"].  I am wanting the "value"
part of the <select> tag to begin with a '$' symbol.

<s:select name="teamplate.mergeFieldCode"
    headerValue="-- Select a Merge Field --"
    listValue="%{'$' + item}"/>

(in the code above, what do I replace "item" with??)

   <option value="ClosingDate">$ClosingDate</option>
   <option value="FinanceDate">$FinanceDate</option>

I realize I could create a Map and add the values I want, but I would like
to avoid that if possible.

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