The Struts JQuery Plugin isn't compatible with Struts 6.x, the work
has started on bringing it back on track

+ 48 606 323 122

pon., 13 cze 2022 o 20:11 Que Thu Dung Nguyen
<> napisał(a):
> Hello everyone,
> I would like to ask if there is a bug in new struts 6.0.0 version for
> struts jquery chart tag (sjc).
> After upgrade from struts 2.5.30 to 6.0.0 (replaced struts 2.5.30 with
> 6.0.0), everything is fine except the chart, which works fine with
> struts 2.5.30
> Here are errors:
>   2022-Jun-13 12:05:44.988 [http-bio-8080-exec-3] ERROR
> org.apache.struts2.components.template.FreemarkerTemplateEngine - Could
> not load the FreeMarker template named 'chart':
>   2022-Jun-13 12:05:44.990 [http-bio-8080-exec-3] ERROR
> org.apache.struts2.components.template.FreemarkerTemplateEngine -
> Attempted: /template/jquery/chart.ftl
>   2022-Jun-13 12:05:44.991 [http-bio-8080-exec-3] ERROR
> org.apache.struts2.components.template.FreemarkerTemplateEngine -
> Attempted: /template/xhtml/chart.ftl
>   2022-Jun-13 12:05:44.991 [http-bio-8080-exec-3] ERROR
> org.apache.struts2.components.template.FreemarkerTemplateEngine -
> Attempted: /template/simple/chart.ftl
>   2022-Jun-13 12:05:44.991 [http-bio-8080-exec-3] ERROR
> org.apache.struts2.components.template.FreemarkerTemplateEngine - The
> TemplateLoader provided by the FreeMarker Configuration was a:
> org.apache.struts2.views.freemarker.FreemarkerThemeTemplateLoader
> freemarker.core.ParseException: Syntax error in template
> "template/jquery/chart.ftl" in line 22, column 43:
> Using ?html (legacy escaping) is not allowed when auto-escaping is on
> with a markup output format (HTML), to avoid double-escaping mistakes.
> 2022-Jun-13 12:05:44.991 [http-bio-8080-exec-3] ERROR
> org.apache.struts2.components.ClosingUIBean - Could not open template
>   2022-Jun-13 12:05:45.005 [http-bio-8080-exec-3] ERROR
> org.apache.struts2.components.template.FreemarkerTemplateEngine - Could
> not load the FreeMarker template named 'chart-close':
>   2022-Jun-13 12:05:45.005 [http-bio-8080-exec-3] ERROR
> org.apache.struts2.components.template.FreemarkerTemplateEngine -
> Attempted: /template/jquery/chart-close.ftl
>   2022-Jun-13 12:05:45.005 [http-bio-8080-exec-3] ERROR
> org.apache.struts2.components.template.FreemarkerTemplateEngine -
> Attempted: /template/xhtml/chart-close.ftl
>   2022-Jun-13 12:05:45.005 [http-bio-8080-exec-3] ERROR
> org.apache.struts2.components.template.FreemarkerTemplateEngine -
> Attempted: /template/simple/chart-close.ftl
>   2022-Jun-13 12:05:45.005 [http-bio-8080-exec-3] ERROR
> org.apache.struts2.components.template.FreemarkerTemplateEngine - The
> TemplateLoader provided by the FreeMarker Configuration was a:
> org.apache.struts2.views.freemarker.FreemarkerThemeTemplateLoader
> Here is file  chart.jsp
>              <display:column title="Chart" sortName="indicator_id"
> sortable="true" style="text-align:center">
>                 <sjc:chart
>                      cssStyle="width: 300px; height: 200px;"
>                      legendShow="true"
>                      pie="true"
>                      pieLabel="true"
>                      >
>                      <s:iterator value="%{#attr.row.data_map_chart}">
>                          <sjc:chartData label="%{key}" data="%{value}" />
>                      </s:iterator>
>                  </sjc:chart>
>              </display:column>
> I do have these libs + dependencies:
>       . commons-fileupload-1.4.jar
>       . commons-lang3-3.10.jar
>       . freemarker-2.3.31.jar
>       . log4j-api-2.17.2.jar
>       . ognl-3.3.2.jar
>       . struts2-jfreechart-plugin-6.0.0.jar
>       . struts2-jquery-chart-plugin-4.0.2.jar
>       . struts2-jquery-plugin-4.0.3.jar
>       . jfreechart-1.0.19.jar
>       . jcommon-1.0.23.jar
> Any help or suggestion is appreciated. Thanks.
> --
> Que Nguyen
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