Hi Burton,


The issue is with a simple HTTP request the file object is null, see the red 
log entry below. But if I use a simple jQuery ajax call, it works as expected 
and I’m not sure why and how to rectify.


This was the simple code I used to upload the file, same set of interceptors, 
same action, same method and it works:


                type: 'POST',

                url: $form.attr('action'),

                cache: false,

                contentType: false,

                processData: false,

                data: formData,

                success: function (response) {

                    if (response.success) {

                                console.log(“success, file uploaded 

                    } else {

                                console.log(“failure, file upload failed to 
execute successfully”);



                error: function (err) {

                    console.log("Error ajax submission : ", err);




The log files now include:

action.IndexAction (IndexAction.java:54) - Uploaded file : 

action.IndexAction (IndexAction.java:55) - Uploaded file name : Invoice - 

action.IndexAction (IndexAction.java:56) - Uploaded file type : application/pdf

action.IndexAction (IndexAction.java:57) - Uploaded file length  : 0


whereas with an HTTP request the logs looked like this:

action.IndexAction (IndexAction.java:54) - Uploaded file : null

action.IndexAction (IndexAction.java:55) - Uploaded file name : null

action.IndexAction (IndexAction.java:56) - Uploaded file type : null

action.IndexAction (IndexAction.java:57) - Uploaded file length : 0


I’m trying to understand why the same action method works with the ajax 
requests but not plain HTTP requests?


Finally, 6.3 doesn’t have the 
org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ActionFileUploadInterceptor in the jar so I 
can’t see how we could test?











On 1/3/2024, 1:30 am, "Burton Rhodes" <burtonrho...@gmail.com 
<mailto:burtonrho...@gmail.com>> wrote:



I'm not exactly sure what isn't working for you, but have you tried 

using the newer FilesUploadAware interface? More information can be 

found at https://struts.apache.org/core-developers/file-upload.html 



I might also recommend you set <constant name="struts.devMode" 

value="true"/> to see if anything comes up in the logs.







------ Original Message ------

>From "Zoran Avtarovski" <zo...@sparecreative.com 

To "Struts Users Mailing List" <user@struts.apache.org 

Date 2/28/2024 4:27:48 PM

Subject Struts 6.3 Issue Uploading Files



>Hi Guys,




>We are unable to upload files to our first 6.3 application using HTTP 
>requests, but the strange thing is they work with ajax requests. I suspect we 
>are overlooking something in the config which is required in 6.3.




>We are using running on Tomcat 9. The file object is null after the 
>upload but we can see the upload is there.




>I can see the params interceptor finds the file and copies it to the temp 
>directory, but I then can’t access the file in the action??? What’s really 
>strange is if we use the same mechanism using a an ajax request with FormData 
>it works as expected. That’s why we created a simple setup as outlined below 
>to identify the root cause.




>Any help would really be appreciated.




>Here’s a snippet of the logs:


>multipart.JakartaMultiPartRequest (JakartaMultiPartRequest.java:103) - Found 
>file item: [upload]


>multipart.JakartaMultiPartRequest (JakartaMultiPartRequest.java:114) - Item is 
>a file upload




>When I try and access the file in my action:


>action.IndexAction (IndexAction.java:54) - Uploaded file : null


>action.IndexAction (IndexAction.java:55) - Uploaded file name : null


>action.IndexAction (IndexAction.java:56) - Uploaded file type : null


>action.IndexAction (IndexAction.java:57) - Uploaded file length : 0






>And then after the request has completed:


>multipart.JakartaMultiPartRequest (JakartaMultiPartRequest.java:361) - 
>Removing file upload name=Invoice - 1331-1.pdf, StoreLocation= 
> size=465396 bytes, isFormField=false, FieldName=upload




>This is what my form looks like:




><s:form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="testUpload" method="post" 


><s:file name="upload" key="file.to.upload" />


> <button type="submit" >Submit</button>






>My action has the following (BaseAction extends ActionSupport):




>public class IndexAction extends BaseAction {




> private File upload;


> private String uploadFileName;


> private String uploadContentType;


> private long uploadContentLength;




> public IndexAction() {


> }




> @Override


> public String execute() {


> return SUCCESS;


> }




> public String edit() {


> return INPUT;


> }




> public String uploadTest() {


> try {


> LOGGER.debug("Uploaded file : "+ upload);


> LOGGER.debug("Uploaded file name : "+ uploadFileName);


> LOGGER.debug("Uploaded file type : "+ uploadContentType);


> LOGGER.debug("Uploaded file length : "+ uploadContentLength);




> inputStream = new FileInputStream(upload);




> if (inputStream != null) {


> inputStream.close();


> }




> } catch (Exception e) {


> LOGGER.error("General . uploading error :", e);


> }




> return SUCCESS;


> }




> public File getUpload() {


> return upload;


> }




> public void setUpload(File upload) {


> this.upload = upload;


> }




> public String getUploadFileName() {


> return uploadFileName;


> }




> public void setUploadFileName(String uploadFileName) {


> this.uploadFileName = uploadFileName;


> }




> public String getUploadContentType() {


> return uploadContentType;


> }




> public void setUploadContentType(String uploadContentType) {


> this.uploadContentType = uploadContentType;


> }




> public long getUploadContentLength() {


> return uploadContentLength;


> }




> public void setUploadContentLength(long uploadContentLength) {


> this.uploadContentLength = uploadContentLength;


> }






>My relevant struts.xml config:




> <constant name="struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation" value="false"/>


> <constant name="struts.i18n.encoding" value="UTF-8"/>


> <constant name="struts.devMode" value="false"/>


> <constant name="struts.locale" value="en_AU"/>


> <constant name="struts.ui.theme" value="simple"/>


> <constant name="struts.ui.templateDir" value="template"/>




> <constant name="struts.i18n.search.defaultbundles.first" value="true"/>


> <constant name="struts.ui.escapeHtmlBody" value="true"/>




> <!-- Max file size of 15mb -->


> <constant name="struts.multipart.maxSize" value="45000000" />


> <constant name="struts.multipart.maxStringLength" value="45000000" />




> <package name="spareTest" extends="default">


> <default-interceptor-ref name="paramsPrepareParamsStack"/>




> <action name="testUpload" class="indexAction" method="uploadTest">


> <result name="input" >/WEB-INF/pages/main/formUpload.jsp</result>


> <result name="success" type="redirectAction">home</result>


> </action>




> <action name="testFile" class="indexAction" method="edit">


> <result name="input" >/WEB-INF/pages/main/formUpload.jsp</result>


> </action>




> </package>





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