In your "reset" method get the Collection of "users"; Iterate over
that collection and set the two properties "admin" and viewer on the
object (I assume "user") to false;

On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 11:46:37 -0600, UKASICK, AIMEE L (SBCSI)
> Hi. I'm using the Struts Nested taglib to display rows of editable data
> to the user. I can select a checkbox in a row and the underlying POJO is
> updated correctly. However, when I uncheck a box, the value of the
> checkbox is not changed and therefore the POJO is not updated.
> In the Struts documentation on <html:checkbox>, I read this:
> " WARNING: In order to correctly recognize unchecked checkboxes, the
> ActionForm bean associated with this form must include a statement
> setting the corresponding boolean property to false in the reset()
> method. "
> How do I do this with a <nested:checkbox>? There is no property on the
> ActionForm associated with the nested property.
> <nested:iterate property="users">
>    <tr class='GridItemText'>
>         <td><nested:checkbox property="admin"
> value="true">Administrator</nested:checkbox></td>
>        <td><nested:checkbox property="viewer"
> value="true">Viewer</nested:checkbox></td>
>        <td> <nested:write property="lastFirstName" /></td>
>        <td><nested:write property="phone"/></td>
>        <td><a href="mailto:<nested:write <mailto:<nested:write>
> property='email'/>"><nested:write property="email"/></a></td>
>    </tr>
> </nested:iterate>
> I've looked at the Monkey examples but haven't been able to find
> anything relating to my issue. Can anyone help me out? Thanks in
> advance.
> Aimee Ukasick

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