The primary purpose of storing JSP's under WEB-INF/ is to prevent user
to access them directly instead of going to an Action which might be
setting something which is required for the workflow, Authentication,
Authorization etc. which avoids putting that sort of logic in the JSP
itself.  I don't see any reason why we shouldn't allow direct access
to the css, js, image files. So, I think it's better to leave them
(js, css, images) outside of the webapp.

If you still want to have everything inside WEB-INF/ here is a an example

On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 21:59:53 -0800 (PST), Martin Wegner
> I recently saw a post about moving all web app files underneath the
> WEB-INF directory.  Unfortunately the search mechanism on the Struts web
> site appears to be unavailable and I can't find those emails.
> So I understand why some would put Javascript, JSP, images, etc. under
> WEB-INF.  But if you do that, how do you access it?  What is the Struts
> trick to get the container to send non-JSP files underneath WEB-INF?
> Thanks.
> --Marty
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