I don't know whether WSAD 5.1.2 is a JSP 2.0 container.  If it is not, then 
you'll need to use the Struts-EL taglib. If it is a JSP 2.0 container, then 
you'll need to make sure that your web.xml is using the Servlet 2.4 schema.


From: Phani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 06/29/2005 11:59 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: EL expression not getting evaluated

I am using WSAD 5.1.2.

I have the following code to insert a checkBox for a
Display Tag table..

<display:table defaultsort="3" class=""
name="partItems" id="partItem" >
        <display:column titleKey="{*}">
                <html:multibox name="partDetailForm"
property="intarray" value="${partItem.intproperty}" />
        <display:column property="sku" paramId="Sku"
title="SKU" align="right" />

The expression "${partItem.intproperty}" is not
getting evaluated..

I see the following in the view source of the page for
each checkBox:

value = ${partItem.intproperty}, instead of a literal.

Shud I have to use EL version of the struts tags?? If
so how ?? as I haven't used them..


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