On 7/6/05, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/6/05, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 7/6/05, Adam Hardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Now there is talk of Struts in the future containing ActionCommands
> > > which can be substituted in place of Actions, and strung together in a
> > > chain, and presumably can perform View-Controller logic.
> > >
> >
> > If you look at Shale (with its support for both ViewController and
> > Dialog -- which, among other things, lets you intersperse action
> > states and view states to your heart's desire), you'll find that the
> > future is now :-)
> >
> >   http://struts.apache.org/shale/
> >
> > Craig
> Moved to the new thread.
> From http://struts.apache.org/shale/features.html#view
> "Each backing bean that implements ViewController will support a
> boolean property postback, which will be set to true if this view is
> the one that is processing a form submit previously rendered by the
> same page, or false if this view was newly navigated to."
> * How is this different from ASP.NET?

The ViewController part of Shale is indeed very similar to the way
that ASP.NET implements the View Helper design pattern.  From a
usability perspective, especially for developers not as well versed in
object oriented programming concepts, Microsoft got this right --
which was one of the motivations for JSF making the same style easy to
accomplish in Java.  When you are focused on a particular page, it is
very convenient to think of everything that happens related to that
page being a response to a particular event -- with all the events for
a particular page conveniently represented as public methods on a
single backing bean (code behind file in ASP.NET terminology).  The
prerender() method, as well, performs exactly the same function as the
Controller interface in Tiles -- it provides a perfect place to
acquire resources that are *only* required if you are the page that is
going to be rendered.

Struts 1.x supports exactly the same paradigm; it's just not as pretty
-- a setup action that preceeds the rendered view action. 
ViewController doesn't require you to do that extra step (or try to
deal with the problematic action chaining issues that plague Struts
1.x, when you submit to the processing action for the previously
rendered form, then need to navigate to the setup action for the form
about to be rendered).

And, if you go on and also use the Dialog feature of Shale, you can
have as many different action states (each represented by a method
call, expressed as a method binding expression so the business logic
classes need have no knowledge of JSF or Shale) as you want in between
your views.  So, if you like the way a chain of responsibility pattern
(like Commons Chain) lets you decompose business processes into fine
grained reusable chunks, you can do that too.

> * Does not this make Shale page-based instead of front-controller
> based? MS recognized lack of front controller support in ASP.NET 1.0
> and will provide it to the second version.

No, it makes the *ViewController* part of Shale page based, as it should be :-).

The rest of Shale (in particular the controlling filter where you can
plug in anything that is supposed to happen once per request, like an
authentication filter) is still a front controller.  You can impose
whatever overall processing you want on each request, simply by
composing the Commons Chain command that the filter applies to each

Besides the biggest difference (from Struts) of being JSF based, this
architectural principle is the second major difference in Shale, and
it results from the most important lesson I've learned by watching how
people use (and misuse) Struts -- the controller framework should
consist of fine grained components that can be combined or customized
as necessary to meet particular application requirements.  If a
particular application needs, say, authentication filtering, then plug
it in.  If that app also needs logging, or tracing, plug that in too
(no having to worry about subclassing RequestProcessor and then
running into Java's single inheritance limitation.

At the same time, it is up to the application architect if they want
to build up the specialized processing needed for an individual
request by composing with reusable logic blocks.  You can do this
easily with Shale, either by calling common reusable code chunks from
methods like prerender() and destroy() when using ViewController, or
by composing the action states in between your views when using
Dialog.  The front controller managing the entire application need not
be involved in figuring out what specialized resources the particular
processing path for a given request will need -- although you could
even do that in the application level filter, if you really wanted to.
 Your choice.

What's interesting about the current discussion is that things like
DispatchAction and LookupAction, as well as the idea of action
commands, are all an attempt to retrofit exactly the same concept of
fine grained management of individual interactions onto the monolithic
controller of Struts 1.x.  As some have observed, the two approaches
don't necessarily fit together very well -- although you can certainly
do it with some bending and twisting.

But the architectural model of an application that Shale presents to
the developer, once you learn it, is *much* simpler to program to, as
well as being easier to configure.


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