> I do have a problem I should solve: in the case where the only error in
> errors is one I need to exclude, it does get excluded but I also get the
> empty <div> which displays a big red box on my page. Fortunately, that
> happens very rarely. I guess I could extend messagesPresent as well to
> take care of that.

I believe because of the div's class "errorMsg" you would see that big
red box. So, set the div's style class to "errorMsg" only if there are
any errors, using javascript like so

<logic:equal name="showErrors" value="true">
       <logic:messagesPresent message="false">
               <div id="errorsDiv"><ul>
                       <tbmtags:messages id="message" message="false">
                               <li><bean:write name="message"/></li>

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