The easiest way is to make the "fvknList" as a form property and keep the 
form in session scope.

<table border="0" >
<html:form action="/saveFVKNAction" method="post" >
<nested:define id="fvknList" property="fvknList"/>
<nested:iterate property="fvknList" id="line" indexId="lineNo" 
<td><html:text name="fvknList" property="dispName" indexed="true"/></td>
<td><html:text name="fvknList" property="sortOrder" indexed="true" size="3" 
<html:submit />

If you don't like to keep the form in the session, you would have to follow 
one of the ways listed in
Also take a look at

> HI,
> I have a Formbean from which I receive Data and put it in to my JSP site,
> this works fine. The data will be displayed in a table and two of the 
> colums
> are input fields where the user should change the value. Here is a peace 
> of
> my JSP
> <table border="0" >
> <html:form action="/saveFVKNAction" method="post" >
> <logic:iterate name="fvknList" id="line" indexId="lineNo"
> type="FormValueKeyName">
> <tr>
> <td><%=lineNo.intValue()+1%></td>
> <td><bean:write name="line" property="fieldName" filter="true" /></td>
> <td><html:text name="line" property="dispName"/></td>
> <td><bean:write name="line" property="dispLang" filter="true" /></td>
> <td><html:text name="line" property="sortOrder" size="3" /></td>
> <td><bean:write name="line" property="lastUpdate" filter="true"
> format="dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss" /></td>
> </tr>
> </logic:iterate>
> </table>
> <html:submit />
> </html:form>
> So my Problem is that I want to save those two columns in my Database but 
> I
> can not fill my ActionForm for this Action with these values. I get only 
> the
> first row of the colum. In the ActionForm I have setter and getter for the
> property dispName and sortOrder.
> How can I save a whole column in my ActionForm?? Can I save a List? I 
> tried
> it and looked in several books but I found till now no answer or a other
> solution.
> Thanks for your help.
> --
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