Ok.  Several things here.

1. If you use "runtime" expressions for attributes in JSP, the runtime
expression has to be the entire attribute value, not just a portion, so
you would have (approximately):

  onblur='<%= "this...." + ... + "reCalcFields(" + executionState + ");"

However, assuming your container is a JSP 1.2 container (I believe WSAD
5.1 is such), then you can use the "Struts-EL" library contained in the
"contrib" directory of the Struts distribution (search archives for more
info).  If you do that, then it will look like this:


On the other hand, if I'm wrong, and WSAD 5.1 is a JSP 2.0 container,
then just use normal Struts without Struts-EL (it will break if you use
Struts-EL in a JSP 2.0 container) and your attribute value can use this
last value.  If you do have a JSP 2.0 container, make sure your web.xml
enables the Servlet 2.4 features by using the 2.4 schema.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dilip Ladhani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Hey guys,
> This does not work for me at all. Anyone have any ideas
> <html:text property="itemization_Line1CashPrice" style="width:90px" 
> styleClass="textField" onfocus="this.select(); 
> this.className='fieldActive'" 
> onblur="this.className='fieldInactive'; 
> reCalcFields(<%=executionState}%>);" 
> size="4" maxlength="10" />
> I have tried to put jstl (<c:out 
> value="${executionState}"/>), other struts 
> tag (bean:write) instead of the (<%=executionState}%>). Nothing 
> works....Please help
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